The 3Rs - Rights-Responsibilities-Realities
May 5, 2014

3Rs Lesson Seven Teaching Tips

Please review the full email for important 3Rs information!


Dear 3Rs volunteer: 


This Friday, May 9, is the regularly scheduled 3Rs Lesson Seven classroom visit.  This lesson is the second lesson of the year to focus on career and educational counseling, and the final lesson of the 2013-14 school year. Once again we would like to emphasize how important your participation in the counseling sessions is to the students: as local professionals who work outside students' schools and have gone through the process of pursuing higher education, volunteers are in a unique and important position to impart information and support about post-high school options and resources.  Volunteers should also direct students to their high school guidance counselors' offices and their College Now representatives for additional information about internships, career selection, and other available resources.

The student worksheets for Lesson Seven (Counseling - Financial Aid and Post-High School Planning) are now available at the CMBA offices.  We ask that captains or team representatives please stop by for pickup before this Friday's lesson, unless alternative arrangements have been made.  Volunteers should please note that the Lesson Seven materials have been updated from the 2011-12 version - returning volunteers who did not receive the updated version last year (2012-13) or in the fall at the beginning of this school year can download the current version here.    

Please share with your students the answers to 10 Questions for the Financial Aid Office found on the second page of their worksheets.  The answers for discussion can be found here on the Online Student Resources tab of the 3Rs page from the CMBA website.  Please print a copy to bring with you to class.

The Lesson Seven materials come in two parts - the main student worksheets for use during the lesson, and the 3Rs Program Evaluation.  Please be sure to reserve 5-7 minutes at the end of the lesson to distribute the program evaluations and allow the students time to complete them.  We ask that team captains collect the completed evaluations before leaving the class and return them to the CMBA, attention Jessica Paine.

  • By email:
  • By fax: (216) 696-2413
  • By mail: 1301 E. 9th St., 2nd Level / Cleveland, OH 44114

IMPORTANT FOR TEAM RECOGNITION: Team rosters and feedback
Please take a moment to let us know how your 3Rs year has gone so far by emailing  In order to properly recognize all committed volunteers, we would like to hear from you with the following information:

  • A full team roster including only those volunteers who have regularly attended 3Rs sessions (response requested from team captains only)
  • Any stories/feedback you wish to share of your experiences (all volunteers).
  • Any outstanding 3Rs students from your classes: We would like to feature 3Rs students for recognition and promotion with the program.  If you know of any outstanding students in your classes who would like to share their experience, please let us know at your earliest convenience.

Questions, concerns and feedback  Thank you for your commitment to the students! 


Please contact us by email or telephone: Jessica Paine at or (216) 696-3525 x4462.


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