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Ash Wednesday liturgy in St. George's Chapel  

Please review The Church of St. Michael & St. George's weekly newsletter to keep abreast of our events. Visit our online calendar for event


Come visit!   


Let us know... 

If you or someone close to you has had a change in circumstances [in the hospital, moved to a nursing home, etc.] please call the church at 314.721.1502, so we can keep CSMSG in your life.











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Call us at 314.721.1502 or e-mail laurie@csmsg.org  

The Church of

St. Michael &

St. George

6345 Wydown Blvd.
PO Box 11887
Clayton, MO 63105
314.721.1502 (p)
314.721.4670 (f)

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"Living Christ in This World"
February 18 - February 25, 2013
This Week's Banner:   
Ash Wednesday's family liturgy in St. George's Chapel. Check the Lenten brochure for other family liturgies during Lent. 
Winter Schedule
   5:00 PM   Holy Eucharist II*
                   Incense will be used*
   8:00 AM   Holy Eucharist I
   9:15 AM   Choral Eucharist I
 11:15 AM   Holy Eucharist I
   5:30 PM   Holy Eucharist II
Preaching Rota 

  Archie_100x100   February 24  The Rev. Andrew J. Archie
          March  3  The Rev. Emily R. Hylden   
          March 10  The Rev. Andrew J. Archie
          March 17  The Rev. Jedediah W. Fox         
Sunday Adult Education

The Rector's Forum

Please join the Rector this week as he leads a study of Paul's Epistle to the Romans from 10:30-11 AM in the Taylor Room.


Christian Life Forum    

February 24 - Communal Faith (Taize, Monasteries, etc.)
          March  3 - Create Your Own Rule of Life
          March 10 - The Jesus Prayer
          March 17 - Spiritual Direction

Rev. Jed Fox and Deacon Emily Hylden  

Adult Education
Women's Bible Study
Fridays   7:30 AM     Sverdrup Room
"God shall give them light."  If you think we are in the end of times, please join us as we study the Book of Revelation under the direction of Fr. Mike Wheeler. All women are welcome for nourishment of the body (light breakfast) and soul. We finish by 8:30 AM.    
Mike Wheeler 
not to be named next Pope.

Pope Michael Wheeler
High sources in the College of Cardinals have definitely excluded our associate to the Rector, Mike Wheeler, as a candidate to be the next bishop of Rome.

The Church of St. Michael & St. George's rector, Andrew Archie said, "I am heartened by this. Mike is a valued member of our team, and we would miss him terribly."
Stewardship logo
Generations of Giving Campaign Update

The pancake supper was a record breaker! Record number of pancakes and sausages consumed. Record number of people turning out to eat, play games, and enjoy fellowship. Record number of dollars raised for our Youth Ministry.

Your pledge dollars support the pancake supper. Your pledge dollars allow our church to break records!

As of today we have received 331 pledges for a total of $1,752,266. The goal is $2,000,000. Each and every pledge makes a difference.

Thank you for your pledge!

Help us grow! planter
Wonderful stories are unfolding in our church every day. They are stories of faith and devotion and love for our neighbors. Great things truly are happening here. But if we're to continue with great things, if we are to continue to grow, your help is needed.

Please pick up a CSMSG business card(s) from the "planters" located in the Narthex and Great Hall. "Plant" one in the hand of a friend who is looking for a church and to be a part of a wonderful story. We need your help to help us grow!
This Week
Monday, February 18
Monday Night Bible Studies
Women's Bible Study with the Rev. Emily Hylden
6:30-8:15 PM Emily Hylden
Enjoy dinner fellowship and study Isaiah at the Rev. Emily Hylden's home (757 Syracuse Ave, 2N). 6:30 PM soup & salad supper; 7:15 PM Evening Prayer, with Bible Study following.

Bible Study with Fr. Jed Fox
6:30-7:30 PM  Library
The Rev. Jed Fox Join Fr. Jed and other parishioners from 6:30-7:30 PM as we journey together through the Gospel of John.

Tuesday, February 19

Church Service League Luncheon
12 PM    Great Hall
Church Service League/Susan Mount Guild: Last Tuesday we heard Norma Deen Juracsik review Michael Pollan's Food Rules: An Eater's Manual. There were no nappers in the audience and the questions and comments flowed. Norma may be persuaded to review The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper in the future. You can look forward to more speakers during Lent, beginning with Fr. Mike Wheeler on February 19. We will also hear the Rev. Rebecca Ragland from the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion in University City (date to be announced). More speakers are scheduled and we will post the information soon. CSL meets for lunch following Fr. Mike Wheeler's Bible Study at 11 AM. We encourage all women of the church to attend. For more information, call Jane Cox at 636.394.3441.

Wednesday, February 20 & 27, and March 6, 13, 20
Great Wednesdays Are Coming!
6:30 PM       Great Hall
Grab a friend and come to enjoy dinner, sparkling conversation, and stimulating education! Dinner at 6:30 PM in the Great Hall, with the girls choir and the middle school ministry; courses begin at 7 PM, followed by Compline at 7:50 PM.  

Mthr. Emily will host "Christian Spiritual Classics," featuring a consideration of the writings of ancient and medieval Christians, including St. Benedict, the Desert Mothers and Fathers, and John Chrysostom--the course includes videos by modern monastic Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, and spirituality expert the Rev. Dr. Lauren Winner.  

"Five Perspectives of Church Music" will also be offered, exploring the place of sacred music in several denominations and faith traditions. In this course, you will come to discover how what we do is informed by the rich heritage of sacred music handed down to us from Judaism and from several perspectives of the Reformation and free-church traditions. This course features experts throughout the church and synagogue, including our own Rob Lehman, DSM, as well as Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Jewish musicians.
Thursdays, February 21, 28, and March 7
Book Discussion
Dubliner sketch by D. Williamson The Dubliners by James Joyce book discussion will meet on five successive Thursdays at 7:30 PM in the Sverdrup Room. Discussion of this collection of short stories will be led by Daniel Williamson and Jan Jacobi.

Saturday, February 23 
Saturday Solemn Eucharists
5 PM   St. George's Chapel
Throughout Lent, enjoy a contemplative service on Saturdays at 5 PM, featuring incense, sung prayers, Latin, and lots of silence. Need an escape from your busy life? Sanctify your schedule with an hour in St. George's Chapel on Saturday evenings.  

Sunday, February 24
Parenting Seminar
10:30-11:15 AM     classroom under the stairs
Plan to attend Part II of the Youth Ministry Spring Parenting Seminar THIS Sunday, February 24. The Rev. Dale Kuhn will be discussing "The Impact of Teenagers on the Family System: Conflict, Independence, and Growth." This class will be held in the classroom in the basement under the stairs from 10:30-11:15 AM and all adults are welcome! Coffee and light refreshments will be served. This is sponsored by the Youth Ministry for the Spring Parenting Series.
Upcoming Events
March 1-2
Women's Retreat
Women of CSMSG, the Retreat is a gift of 24 hours of tenderness and compassion for yourself as you enjoy the stress of daily living melting away, being replaced with grace and an abundance of love. Make reservations now to attend this year's Women's Retreat. You can find the brochure here,
on the website, or pick up a retreat brochure in the Narthex to find out more about the Mary and Elizabeth retreat at the Mercy Center in nearby Frontenac, MO. The retreat begins at 5 PM on Friday, March 1 and ends at 4 PM on Saturday, March 2. Space is limited! Contact Laurie Brown with questions at laurie@csmsg.org or 314.721.1502. 

Mercy Center
The Mercy Center

Friday, April 12
Windows On Washington
The Nicaraguan Dinner Auction
Save the Date!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Windows On Washington
For more information,
contact Carroll Stribling at 314.956.5973
2013 Girls Choir
The CSMSG Girls Choir has resumed Wednesday night rehearsals from 5-6:30 PM. If your child is 8-18 years old and interested in singing in the Girls Choir, please contact Christi Bye at 314.721.1502 x4043 for more information or by email at cbye@csmsg.org 
musicale 2012
Church School
On Sunday, February 24, the Second Grade will share during their 9:15 AM Chapel service what they have learned about Moses. Parents are invited to the service! Second Graders are asked to meet in the chapel at 8:50 AM to get ready for the presentation.
CS_Wedding at Cana
Welcome Tobias Max (Toby) Matthews! Congratulations to our Youth Minister Buzz Matthews and his wife Jenny on the birth of their first child!
youth volunteers at pancake dinner
The Youth Ministry staff would like all of the members of our parish who attended this year's pancake supper. Thank you for your very generous donations to the Youth Ministry Scholarship Fund which will ensure that any youth who would like to participate in any YM event will be able to do so! A very special thank you as well to ALL student and adult volunteers who worked hard to make the Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Mardi Gras celebration a success!

September Kick-Off Committee will meet Tuesday, February 19 in the Armstrong Room from 5:30-6:30 PM. Anyone interested in joining this committee is welcome! 

The MS MIX  and HS UNDERGROUND will meet this Wednesday, February 20 from 6-7:30 PM in the Armstrong Room for games, dinner, and Bible study. Why not add a Bible Study to your Lenten discipline?

2013 HS Mission Orientation will be held on Sunday, March 3 from 11:30 AM-12:15 PM in the gym. All participants and their parents are requested to attend this orientation. Please plan to attend if you are interested in joining this trip. The cost for this year's HS Mission trip is $800 and is due at this meeting. Payment plans and partial/full scholarships are available by contacting Marty at youth@csmsg.org


The Youth Ministry Spring Parenting Series will continue with Part II this Sunday, February 24 with The Rev. Dale Kuhn presenting on "The Impact of Teenagers on the Family System: Conflict, Independence and Growth." This class will be from 10:30-11:15 AM in the classroom under the stairs in the basement. Light refreshments will be served.  
It's time to sign up for Summer Mission opportunities for all 5th-12th graders. The MS Mission Week will be June 17-21 and the HS Mission Trip is July 5-14. The MS Mission Week is local and the HS Mission Trip will be to Muskegon, Michigan. Spaces for the HS Mission Trip are limited. A deposit of $100 is required now to hold your space. E-mail youth@csmsg.org for more information and to sign up.

Sunday, March 3 - 2013 HS Mission Orientation: 11:30
                              AM-12:15 PM in the gym.
Sunday, March 3 - Simple Supper Fundraiser for HS mission
                              - Bring your family for dinner! To donate
                                food for this evening's dinner please
                                e-mail ottgretchen@gmail.com.
Saturday, March 9 - Skyzone! Time TBA! 
Canterbury Bookstore
Ann Babington spiffing up the bookstore.
Come to the Bookstore and visit the many opportunities the Lenten season offers. Lent is a season of preparation. It ought to be approached as an opportunity, a time to let go of excuses for failings and shortcomings; a time ask God to show us what we really look like. Lenten selections include First Fruits of Prayer by Frederica Matthewes-Greene; Echoes of Eternity, Vols. I and II by Hal Helms; New Life In The Spirit by Leonard Sweet;  and The Seven Last Words From The Cross by Fleming Rutledge. 

Store hours: Sunday 8:30-11:30 AM, Monday 10 AM-noon, Thursdays 10 AM-3 PM and Friday 9 AM-noon.
Bulletin Board

E-Letter/Notice Information

Please send any new information that you would like to go into the notices or e-letters to Debbie at communications@csmsg.org. The deadline for the e-letter is Monday at noon. The deadline for the notices is Wednesday at noon. Please keep the information concise. Thank you.


CSMSG into the Next 100 Years!
QR code
Notice that smudge on the back of the bulletin? That's a QR Code! If you have a smartphone with a scanning app, when you scan the image you'll be automatically directed to the CSMSG website, with links to our weekly updates, calendars, service times, sermons, and news. Look for more digital content in the weeks to come. 

The Knitting Ministry
knitting demo The Knitting Ministry has been active at St. Michael's since 2004. Its mission is to offer love, comfort, and prayers to fellow parishioners and friends through knitted objects: Mantles of Comfort, Baby Blankets of Love, and Chemo Caps. On the second Saturday of the month, there is a luncheon gathering where knitters share experiences, get to know one another, and knit together. Prayerful knitting nurtures the knitters as well as the recipients of the knitted objects. For more information, contact Nicki Gillis at nickigillis@att.net.    

Good Neighbors
Please be considerate of our neighbors on Ellenwood and Wydown. Take advantage of the complimentary valet parking on Sundays and do not park in front of driveways.

Valet Parking

Valet service by Midwest Parking will be available on Sunday mornings for elderly parishioners and those with special needs. This valuable service is being provided by an anonymous benefactor. Thank you for this very generous gift!


Altar Flowers  

Please consider giving flowers in celebration of a special event, in honor or in memory of a loved one. Order forms are available near the Ellenwood narthex.   


Birth Announcements Needed

Please contact Debbie Fenner at debbie@csmsg.org or 314.721.1502 when there is a birth in the church family, so we can properly welcome the new baby into the parish.


CSMSG Pre-Primary Enrollment

We are currently accepting applications for our parish's two pre-primary programs: 18-24 months on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM, and 2-3 years on Monday through Wednesday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM. We are also offering a five-morning schedule for both classes. Our programs are taught by a degreed teacher and have proven quite successful since their inception. For more information, call Carol at 314.721.1502.

Pre-school fun with parachutes

The Servers Guild   

The Servers Guild provides a unique opportunity for students from 6th through 12th grades to participate in the Sunday liturgies and gain a deeper appreciation for our traditions and style of worship. If you would like to join a group of young people who are dedicated to enhancing the worship experience at CSMSG, contact Fr. Mike Wheeler.

Altar Guild  
We invite you to deepen your spiritual life and connection to the liturgy by becoming a member of the Altar Guild. This ministry is dedicated to the service of God by lovingly preparing the altars. Many hands are needed, both weekdays and Sundays, to care for the linens, candles, and silver. Contact Abby Castle at abbylocke@yahoo.com.

Altar guild women preparing for Sunday