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Pageant 2011

Please review The Church of St. Michael & St. George's weekly newsletter to keep abreast of our events. Visit our online calendar for event


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If you or someone close to you has had a change in circumstances [in the hospital, moved to a nursing home, etc.] please call the church at 314.721.1502, so we can keep CSMSG in your life.











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Call us at 314.721.1502 or e-mail laurie@csmsg.org  

The Church of

St. Michael &

St. George

6345 Wydown Blvd.
PO Box 11887
Clayton, MO 63105
314.721.1502 (p)
314.721.4670 (f)

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"Living Christ in This World"
December 17 - December 24, 2012
This Week's Banner:   
The 2011 Christmas Pageant Rehearsal. This year's Pageant will take place at 4 PM on Christmas Eve. 
Winter Schedule
   5:00 PM   Holy Eucharist II*
                   incense will be used*
   8:00 AM   Holy Eucharist I
   9:15 AM   Choral Eucharist I
 11:15 AM   Holy Eucharist I
   5:30 PM   Holy Eucharist II
2012 Advent Schedule
Preaching Rota 

   The Rev. Jed Fox December 23  The Rev. Jedediah W. Fox
    December 24  The Rev. Andrew J. Archie
    December 25  The Rev. Emily R. Hylden
    December 30  The Rev. J. Michael Wheeler
       January   1  The Rev. Jedediah W. Fox 
Sunday Adult Education

The Rector's Forum

Join the Rector in the Taylor Room from 10:30-11 AM as he leads a study of Paul's Epistle to the Romans.       

Christian Life Forum  

Teachings on Prayer are suspended till February 2013.    

February 3 - Fasting
February 10 - The Rite of St. Benedict
February 17 - Lectio Divina
February 24 - Communal Faith (Taize Monasteries)

Rev. Jed Fox and Deacon Emily Hylden  

Adult Education
Women's Bible Study
Fridays   7:30 AM     Sverdrup Room
"How is forgiveness different from justice?" "What if it was my child who was hurt; how can I possibly consider forgiveness?" "Are both marriage and celibacy calls from God to live a consecrated life?" These and other questions were discussed during our Women's Bible Study conducted by the Rev. Michael Wheeler. All women are welcome. We begin at 7:30 AM and are finished by 8:30 AM. 
The Friday Women's Bible Study will not meet throughout the rest of December. It will resume January 4. 
Stewardship logo 
Our church has been filled the last few weeks with Advent activities. Advent Lessons and Carols, Advent Family Night, Breakfast with Saint Nicholas, Saturday night Eucharists, Church Service League Christmas luncheon and Nine Lessons and Carols last night. We are blessed here at CSMSG. Talented people work very hard to create these special events. Your pledge provides the resources needed to accommodate and support all that we do here. It is safe to say we are all benefiting from our pledge dollars.

Thank you for your pledge.

As of today we have received 277 pledges for a total of $1,569,730, our goal is $2,000,000.
This Week
Monday, December 17
Monday Night Bible Studies
Women's Bible Study with the Rev. Emily Hylden
6:30-8:30 PM Emily Hylden
Enjoy dinner fellowship and study Isaiah at the Rev. Emily Hylden's home (757 Syracuse Ave, 2N). 6:30 PM soup & salad supper (provided!); 7:15 PM Evening Prayer, with Bible Study following.

Bible Study cancelled: December 24 and 31.

Bible Study with Fr. Jed Fox
6:30-7:30 PM  Library
The Rev. Jed Fox Join Fr. Jed and other parishioners from 6:30-7:30 PM as we journey together through the Gospel of John.

Bible Study cancelled December 24.

Tuesday, December  18
Church Service League Luncheon
12 PM    Great Hall
We will resume meetings on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 following Fr. Mike Wheeler's Bible Study.
All women of the Church are welcome. In the meantime, please have a wonderful Christmas.
For more information, call Jane Cox at 636.394.3441.

Friday, December 21
Ordination of Jordan Hylden Jordan Hylden
On Friday, December 21 at 6 PM, Jordan Lee Hylden will be ordained to the sacred order of deacons by Bishop George Wayne Smith at Christ Church Cathedral, with reception to follow. All CSMSG members are warmly invited.  

Saturday, December 22
Advent Solemn Eucharist*
5 PM      St. George's Chapel
Advent is here. So are Saturday Eucharists. Saturday Evening Eucharist will be held December 22 at 5 PM in St. George's Chapel, with festive refreshments afterward.
*Rejoice, this service will have incense.

Centennial Celebration Gala Ticket Sale
after 9:15 AM liturgy     Great Hall
Last chance to buy tickets before Christmas is this Sunday in the Great Hall. The celebration includes: cocktails, dinner and special guest, the Rt. Revd. and Rt. Hon. George Leonard Carey, 103rd Archbishop of Canterbury. Fifty-year members will be recognized and John Tyler's book Centennial 100 Years at the Point, a compilation of his Centennial Moments in History e-letters will be the party favor! Tickets are $125/each. Checks should be made out to "CSMSG." For more information, contact the receptionist at receptionist@csmsg.org or 314.721.1502.
Gala celebration table
Upcoming Events
January 11-12
The Men's Retreat is Coming!
Pere Marquette Lodge
This year, the Men's Retreat is January 11-12 at Pere Marquette Lodge. Sign up now for some time away with God. Space is limited.
The cost of the retreat is $190. Financial assistance is available on request. Contact Fr. Fox at jfox@csmsg.org or 314.721.1502 if you are interested.
Pere Marquette lodge

March 1-2, 2013
Women's Retreat
The perfect gift to give yourself this Christmas, a reservation to next year's Women's Retreat on March 1-2, 2013. "We invite you to buy the gift of 24 hours of tenderness and compassion for yourself as you enjoy the stress of daily living melting away, being replaced with grace and an abundance of love."  Please see the retreat brochure to find out more about the Mary and Elizabeth Retreat at the Mercy Center in nearby Frontenac, MO.

Mercy Center
The Mercy Center
2012 Christmastide

Monday, December 24

Eve of the Nativity
4 PM    Church
Nativity Pageant & Holy Eucharist

6:30 PM  Church
Choral Eucharist
Nursery will be provided for the 4 PM and 6:30 PM liturgies only

10:30 PM  Church
Carol Service of Preparation and Praise

11 PM  Church
Solemn Midnight Eucharist*
Incense will be used*

Tuesday, December 25
The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ:
Christmas Day
10 AM  Church
Choral Eucharist
Nursery provided

Tuesday, January 1
The Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ
10 AM  St. George's Chapel
Holy Eucharist
Nursery provided
2012-2013 Girls Choir
The CSMSG Girls Choir has resumed Wednesday night rehearsals from 5-6:30 PM. If your child is 8-18 years old and interested in singing in the Girls Choir, please contact Christi Bye at 314.721.1502 x4043 for more information or by email at cbye@csmsg.org 
musicale 2012
Church School
Church Schoolers with Advent Wreath Special December 23 Service
On Sunday, December 23, Laurie Anzilotti and Beth Wagner will lead a special homily for all the Church School children in St. George's Chapel at 9:15 AM. After the homily and music, the children will join their parents in church for communion.

There is no Church School for the Preschool-5th Grades on this Sunday. There is no Church School on December 30.
Church School resumes on January 6.

Epiphany Family Night
Epiphany Family Night is Sunday, January 6, 2013! The event begins at 5 PM with a Mexican dinner, the Crowning of the Three Kings, and ends with a special service in the Church led by Laurie Anzilotti and the Rev. Emily Hylden. The cost for dinner and crafts is $4 per person. Please sign up by emailing Jane Fisher at jfisher@csmsg.org.
Youth volunteers at Saint Nicholas breakfast.

8th Grade Pageant Rehearsals: Sunday, December 23- Students meet for SS class and church at 10:30 AM. Lunch will follow and then technical and dress rehearsals until 2:30 PM.

High School Christmas Party
will be held on Sunday, December 23! Meet at Shaw Park Ice Skating Rink at 5 PM to skate. Party will continue at church in the Armstrong Room at 6:30 PM. Cost is $5 for food.

Parents of CSMSG college students: We mailed an invitation to all college students for the CSMSG December College Reunion to your home! We want to treat your students to lunch on Sunday, December 30 from noon-1:30 PM at Three Kings on Delmar in the Loop! RSVP to youth@csmsg.org
Sign Up NOW for both the High School and Middle School Retreats! The retreats will be at Lake Williamson Retreat Center in Illinois. HS retreat is January 5-6 and MS retreat is February 2-3. We will depart first thing Saturday morning and return by 1:30 PM Sunday afternoon. We will participate in ropes courses (that are inside!), blacklight medic ball and other fun activities while we dig deeper in our faith and get to know one another better! Cost is $150. Friends are Welcome and pay $75. Scholarships (partial and full) are available by calling Marty. Sign up NOW by e-mailing youth@csmsg.org.
The UNDERGROUND HS small group will not meet until Sunday, January 13 due to Christmas holidays and the HS retreat. 

It's time to sign up for Summer Mission opportunities for all 5-12th graders. The MS Mission Week will be June 17-21 and the HS Mission Trip is July 5-14, 2013. The MS Mission Week is local and the HS Mission Trip will be to Muskegon, Michigan this summer. Spaces for the HS Mission Trip are limited. A deposit of $100 is required now to hold your space. E-mail youth@csmsg.org for more information and to sign up.

Upcoming Events:  
Sunday, December 23: 8th Grade Christmas Pageant Technical/Dress Rehearsal: 10:30 AM-2:30 PM
    - HS Ice Skating and Christmas Party: 5-8:00 PM 
There will be NO MS MIX on the following dates:
December 5, 19, 26 and January 2
There will be NO HS UNDERGROUND on the following dates: December 30, January 6 (due to HS Retreat)
Retreats: High School: Sat/Sun, January 5/6
                Middle School: Sat/Sun, February 2/3 
Canterbury Bookstore
Canterbury Bookstore offers many items perfect for Christmas gifts.
Canterbury Bookstore has solutions just waiting for you, with free gift-wrap and bargains in every corner. A great solution this year is Assumption Abbey Fruitcakes. The cakes are dark, rich, traditional-style fruitcakes, baked slowly and aged under the careful supervision of the monks. Assumption Abbey is not a commercial enterprise. It is a way of life, and that way of
life, combined with the careful work of the bakers, ensures a dedication to high quality that makes Assumption Abbey Fruitcakes among the country's finest.

Stop and see the designs of scripture bracelets Martina from Ireland and James Avery. There is still a good selection of boxed or single Christmas cards. Take a look at A Little Book of Christmas Poems and Carols, a charming little book where you'll discover the magic of Christmas all over again. This collection of early 20th-century illustrations and popular carols and poems will delight for years to come. This little book will make the perfect stocking stuffer or party gift for the holidays. 

Don't forget the Bookstore is open during the week.  Be sure to visit us throughout the holiday season. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Bookstore hours: Sunday 8:30-11:30 AM, Monday 10 AM-noon, Thursday 10 AM-3 PM, Friday 8:30 AM-noon 

Bulletin Board

E-Letter/Notice Information

Please send any new information that you would like to go into the notices or e-letter to Debbie at communications@csmsg.org. The deadline for the e-letter is Monday at noon. The deadline for the notices is Wednesday at noon. Please keep the information concise. Thank you.


CSMSG into the Next 100 Years!
QR code
Notice that smudge on the back of the bulletin? That's a QR Code! If you have a smartphone with a scanning app, when you scan the image you'll be automatically directed to the CSMSG website, with links to our weekly updates, calendars, service times, sermons, and news. Look for more digital content in the weeks to come. 

The Knitting Ministry
knitting demo The Knitting Ministry has been active at St. Michael's since 2004. Its mission is to offer love, comfort, and prayers to fellow parishioners and friends through knitted objects: Mantles of Comfort, Baby Blankets of Love, and Chemo Caps. On the second Saturday of the month, there is a luncheon gathering where knitters share experiences, get to know one another, and knit together. Prayerful knitting nurtures the knitters as well as the recipients of the knitted objects. For more information, contact Nicki Gillis at nickigillis@att.net.  

Good Neighbors

Please be considerate of our neighbors on Ellenwood and Wydown. Take advantage of the complimentary valet parking on Sundays and do not park in front of driveways.

Valet Parking

Valet service by Midwest Parking will be available on Sunday mornings for elderly parishioners and those with special needs. This valuable service is being provided by an anonymous benefactor. Thank you for this very generous gift!


Altar Flowers  

Please consider giving flowers in celebration of a special event, in honor or in memory of a loved one. Order forms are available near the Ellenwood narthex.   


Birth Announcements Needed

Please contact Debbie Fenner at debbie@csmsg.org or 314.721.1502 when there is a birth in the church family, so we can properly welcome the new baby into the parish.


CSMSG Pre-Primary Enrollment

We are currently accepting applications for our parish's two pre-primary programs: 18-24 months on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM, and 2-3 years on Monday through Wednesday mornings from 8:30-11:30 AM. We are also offering a five-morning schedule for both classes. Our programs are taught by a degreed teacher and have proven quite successful since their inception. For more information, call Carol at 314.721.1502.

Pre-school fun with parachutes

The Servers Guild   

The Servers Guild provides a unique opportunity for students from 6th through 12th grades to participate in the Sunday liturgies and gain a deeper appreciation for our traditions and style of worship. If you would like to join a group of young people who are dedicated to enhancing the worship experience at CSMSG, contact Fr. Mike Wheeler.

Altar Guild  
We invite you to deepen your spiritual life and connection to the liturgy by becoming a member of the Altar Guild. This ministry is dedicated to the service of God by lovingly preparing the altars. Many hands are needed, both weekdays and Sundays, to care for the linens, candles, and silver. Contact Abby Castle at abbylocke@yahoo.com.

Altar guild volunteer Helen Cavin