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Dry Sailing at Shepards Wharf Marina in Cowes
Cowes Harbour Commission Newsletter
January 2016
At the beginning of the week, homes and businesses were evacuated and ferries temporarily suspended when a huge fire swept through Medina Village in Cowes. Although losses for some have been devastating, the most important thing is that there were no reports of injuries from the incident.

This month we have carried out a routine review of all Cowes Local Notices to Mariners and may I bring your attention to LNTM No 01 of 2016, which lists all active Notices in force for the harbour.

There will shortly be four vacancies on the CHC Board, and we welcome applications from all those interested in being considered for membership of the Commissioners. Do please visit our website to find out more or call us at the Harbour Office on 01983 293952.

Best regards,
Captain Stuart McIntosh
Cowes Harbour Master
Annual mooring renewals for Cowes Harbour
Cowes Harbour Moorings issued the 2016 annual licence renewal forms at the end of last year. If you have not received your mooring renewal, or no longer require your mooring, please get in touch with the Harbour Moorings team at Shepards Wharf Marina to let us know. The deadline for payment of annual moorings licences was 4th January, therefore, if you have yet to pay for your 2016 annual mooring licence please get in touch! Thank you very much.
Yachtsman of the Year
Volvo Ocean Race winner Ian Walker was voted YJA Yachtsman of the Year at Trinity House on 12th January 2016. Watch video highlights from the awards ceremony and read the full story at

The Yachtsman of the Year Award is one of Britain's most coveted sporting trophies. Previous winners include Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, renowned Cowes yachtswoman Dame Ellen MacArthur and Sir Ben Ainslie.
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Schedule of Charges 2016-2017
Local Notices to Mariners
Cowes Harbour users are advised to regularly check Cowes Local Notices to Mariners (LNTMs).

Links to recent Notices:

No 16 of 2016: Marking of Fishing Gear within Cowes Harbour Limits

No 15 of 2016: Cowes Chain Ferry

No 14 of 2016: VHF Radio Communications within Cowes Harbour

No 13 of 2016: Risk Assessment of Recreational Events

No 12 of 2016: Use of 'Kill Cords' On-Board Powered Craft

No 11 of 2016: Diving at Work Regulations 1997 and Commercial Operations involving 'Swimmers'

No 10 of 2016: Navigation in the Approaches to Cowes: Port of Southampton - Precautionary Area

No 09 of 2016: The Merchant Shipping (Reporting Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous or Polluting Goods) Regulations 1999 (As amended)

No 08 of 2016: Marine Safety Management System Reporting of Damage, Incidents and Potential Risk

No 07 of 2016: Report of Oil Pollution in Cowes Harbour

No 06 of 2016: Prevention of Pollution and Reception Facilities for Ship Generated Waste

No 05 of 2016: Passenger Carrying Pleasure Vessels and Vessels Operating within the Port

No 04 of 2016: High Speed Passenger Vessels to Display Identification Lights

No 03 of 2016: Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulation 1987

No 02 of 2016: Movement of Vessels Approaching Town Quay and Jubilee Pontoon

No 01 of 2016: Current Local Notices to Mariners in Force

Four non-executive members are being sought for the Board of Cowes Harbour Commissioners (CHC). The Board is responsible for the strategic oversight of a wide range of activities that are vital to the safe management and economic prosperity of the 'Trust Port' of Cowes.

Cowes Harbour is currently in an exciting and challenging phase of its development and Commissioners will play a key role in helping to shape the future of the harbour and its services. The Commission considers the continued successful management of the harbour is fundamental to the future prosperity of Cowes and the Isle of Wight.

CHC are keen to attract capable individuals from a broad section of the local community and to ensure that a balance is maintained in respect of the skills and interests of its Board members. Applications are welcome from candidates with enthusiasm, commitment and local knowledge who can add real value to the current Board.

In particular, CHC are seeking candidates with knowledge and expertise in finance, law, and project management. Additional relevant experience relating to the following skill sets would be advantageous but is not prescriptive: port development, business management, safety, marine science and engineering, HR, and information technology.

These key posts offer an excellent opportunity for individuals to make a tangible and valuable contribution to the management of Cowes Harbour. CHC have recently completed an extensive stakeholder consultation, and a strategic review of the vision, objectives, plans and policies for Cowes Harbour for the period 2016-2021 is underway and will be finalised in 2016. The first stage of the harbour protection programme has been successfully delivered with the new detached Cowes Breakwater, and CHC are now looking forward to completing the second and third phases with the extension to the Shrape breakwater and new Eastern Channel.

In line with good governance the Commissioners are appointed on merit, on an open recruitment basis to provide the Commission with the professional skills and experience to determine the policy and business decisions of the organisation.

The appointments will be effective from 1st May 2016 and will run for a period of three years. Further detail and information is available on CHC's website. If you are interested in being considered for these positions, please apply to the Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7AS by email: or telephone: 01983 293952.

As reported widely in the local and national press, a devastating fire broke out at the Medina Village industrial estate in Cowes on Monday, 25th January. The multi-agency response to the blaze was led by Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue, along with other emergency services from the mainland.

Smoke from the Medina Village fire billows across the harbour

CHC witnessed the fire start at approximately 1230 and were one of many who alerted the emergency services. The fire started at a small car mechanics workshop within the Medina Village industrial complex on land adjacent to the harbour.

The prevailing southwesterly wind blew thick, acrid smoke up and across the River Medina; at times the East Cowes Red Funnel terminal was completely enveloped in smoke. After consultation with Red Funnel and the IW Fire and Rescue Service, the vehicle ferry service was suspended. The Cowes floating bridge was also suspended on police advice as a result of the fire.

Section from of the UKHO Cowes chart 2793 Please be aware that the Cowes Local Notices to Mariners (LNTMs) have been reviewed and updated for 2016.

LNTM No 01 of 2016 is a comprehensive list of all active Notices currently in force; click on the links within the document for more information and detail on specific LNTMs.
CHC Schedule of Charges 2016-17 The 2016-2017 edition of Cowes Harbour Commission's "Schedule of Charges" (SoCs) has just been published and is available to view online, or do pop in to see us and pick up a copy from the Harbour Office, Shepards Wharf Marina or Kingston Marine Services.

CHC provides a number of commercial marine services to complement those available within Cowes Harbour and around the Solent. The Commission is self-financing and has a policy to invest in developing marine services that are strategically important for the harbour and where other private sector parties are reticent to invest. Surpluses from these marine service activities are then ploughed back to support the provision of harbour services and development of the harbour for the long-term benefit of all our stakeholders. They are also important in reducing the reliance on harbour dues.
Dredge licence applications 2016

The Royal Yacht Squadron has submitted an application for a maintenance dredge licence. The area to be dredged includes the complete basin and approaches up to the fairway boundary. The final dredge level will be to approximately 2.5m below chart datum (CD), with the exception of the innermost area, which will be dredged to approximately 2.0m below CD. The work is aimed to be carried out either during April or the autumn of 2016, subject to the necessary consents being received from the Marina Management Organisation (MMO).

An application has also been made by CHC for a maintenance dredge licence at Shepards Wharf Marina and approaches, and the Town Quay mooring basin.

The area to be dredged includes Shepards Wharf Marina and the surrounding approaches, and separately the Town Quay mooring basin. Shepards Wharf will be returned to its design depths of between 2.0m - 2.5m below CD and the approaches to between 1.5m - 3.0m below CD. Town Quay will be reduced back to its design depth of between 1.0m - 2.0m below CD. The work is aimed to be carried out either in April or the autumn/winter of 2016 taking approximately 10 days.
Who has not heard of the Fastnet Race organised by the RORC? Well, there is a new race that is a little different, a 'soloFASTNET' race designed by solo sailors for solo sailors. A Cat 2 (ISAF) race that only requires a week's leave to complete but still offers the excitement and challenge of nights at sea combined with the unpredictable nature of North Atlantic weather.

To date, 72 skippers have registered their interest in participating in the 2016 soloFASTNET Race, which starts on Saturday, 2nd July from the Central Solent to Plymouth via Fastnet lighthouse.
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