April 2013 ~ Ascension News
April 7
Acts 5:27-32
Psalm 118:14-29
Revelation 1:4-8
John 20:19-31
April 14
Acts 9:1-20
Psalm 30
Revelation 5:11-14
John 21:1-19
April 21
Acts 9:36-43
Psalm 23
Revelation 7:9-17
John 10:22-30
April 28
Acts 11:1-18
Psalm 148
Revelation 21:1-6
John 13:31-35
Congregation Council
Dave Ackert Kirsten Braley John Carducci (Pres) Irma Kelly (Vice Pres) Clint Roy Pete Serdaru Clark Shuster (Sec) Sheryl White (Treas) |
1-Leslie Gallant
3-Edward Long
4-Diane Ladley
Dana Leeds
5-Danny Matz
13-Edna Froehlich
14-Peter Serdaru
Barbara Vaughn
15-Bill Foote
Donald Rauh
24-Geoff Matz
Joshua Matz
25-Fred Schultz
30-Merri Leber Perrone
15-The Brezas
Mary & Steve
26-The Vaughns
Barbara & Jim
30-The Conybears
Joyce & Jim
~~~ Church Office
10:00am-1:00pm |
Grace and peace to you from Almighty God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
"Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness! Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
(Psalm 150:1-2, 6)
Psalm 150 is the last hymn in the Book of Psalms. In this hymn, all of creation is called to glorify God. The verses that were omitted here (verses 3-5) speak of praising God with musical instruments within the assembly.
There are many things for which we can praise God.
We can praise God for our life together as a congregation: I continue to thank God for the rich fellowship and experiences God has given us, and the unique ways in which we are called to serve the people of God. The fellowship that grips us is reflected upon the faces of our visitors. Praise God for the breath of the Holy Spirit that binds us together in love!
We can praise God for the gift of our children: they afford us fresh perspectives in God's grace and love as we celebrate them in light of the unique and varied gifts God has afforded them. I thank them for instructing us!
We can praise God for faithful leadership: there is the willingness to wrestle with the issues that affect us in light of God's Word and will for our lives within our various committees. We lift up those who volunteer their time to ensure that our church building is properly cared for and maintained. Our staff ensures what we need to function as a congregation, and serve to raise our voices and instruments in song in our worship life together.
We can praise God for being a church on a hill: nature testifies to the power of God: the honking of geese, rustling of wind, prancing of deer and the beauty of the sun, moon and stars sing and exhibit their own praise in their own special way.
Of all the things in which we give God praise, we especially praise God for Easter joy! We praise God for what Jesus has accomplished for us through his cross and being raised from the dead! We praise God for life that is renewed again and again, and for a Love Supreme! We praise God for Jesus joy!
Praise the Lord! Praise God for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness (Psalm 150:1a-2)!
My love is with you in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Dave
Here are a few events our members and friends can invite others to Come and See at ALC in April.
~ Christian Education, Sundays, 9:00 AM
~ Worship Sundays, 10:00 AM
~ Philadelphia Community College Choir &
Dedication of Ascension Hand Bells & Piano,
Sunday Worship & Noon Concert, 4/14
~ Thrivent Hosted Coffee Hour, Sunday, 4/21
~ Guest Preacher - Shane Claiborne, Sunday, 4/28
~ Holy Mischief. . . Hands on Christianity
Discussion with Shane Claiborne, Sunday 4/28, 12:30 PM
Feeding the Hungry
They are always in queue. No matter how early I arrive to deliver Ascension's contributions and to assist shoppers, they precede me and are waiting regardless of the weather. Shopping space is limited. On days when the weather is extreme, an attempt is made to squeeze in as many shoppers as possible into the small garage space we call "the Pantry". Tight, crowded conditions (sometimes with crying babies) requires considerable patience on everyone's part.
Despite the experience sometimes being less than pleasant, there is a real sense that we are all there for a common good - for a meaningful human exchange - those admitting their need pressed closely in with those yearning to address those needs. Kind words are exchanged often with good humor.
Oh yes, and God is there too, filling all that tiny space. He is seen within all those present. A look into the eyes confirms it. People of Ascension, we are indeed God's heart and hands in this place. I hope you can feel it.
Thank you for your continued prayers and generous gifts.
Michael Kelly for Cheryl Serdaru, Pat Seabright, Dave Chmielewski, and Scott Feldman
Holy Mischief...Hands-On Christianity
10:00 Worship with Guest Preacher, Shane Claiborne
11:15 Fellowship/Lunch
12:30 Keynote/Discussion session Holy Mischief... Hands-on Christianity
Shane Claiborne, founder of The Simple Way, will visit with us at Ascension Lutheran Church for worship on Sunday, April 28 at 10:00 AM, where he will deliver the morning message. Following a brief lunch, he will conduct an interactive session at 12:30 PM entitled: Holy Mischief...Hands-on Christianity!
Shane is a much sought after author and speaker who travels throughout the world discussing his experiences as he lives out an authentic faith rooted in belief, action, and love, inviting us into a movement of the Spirit that begins inside each of us and extends into a broken world. Shane presents his thoughts regarding The Simple Way with humor and joy and provokes listeners to reevaluate the mission of the Church and our individual missions as Christians in a needy and hurting world.
Shane's faith led him to dress the wounds of lepers with Mother Teresa, visit families in Iraq amidst bombings, and cause the City of Philadelphia to re-think its ban on non-Government groups feeding the homeless. Shane lives out this revolution each day in his local neighborhood, an impoverished community in North Philadelphia, by living among the homeless, helping local kids with homework, and 'practicing resurrection' in the forgotten places of our world.
Shane's message will comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable. His is a vision for ordinary radicals ready to change the world with small acts of love that bring incredible JOY for Christians purposefully looking for opportunities to create "Holy Mischief" that can change the lives of many, including us!
by Joy Carducci
I have been Lutheran since the womb. I was baptized, raised and married in Lutheran churches. When our family moved to Bucks County in early 1999 and we began our search for a new church, of course a Lutheran church was the only church to consider. I thought I understood many things about my religion, yet I still didn't comprehend what he meant when our Long Valley, NJ pastor advised, "Remember, the church is not a building; it's the people". Well, I certainly understand it today!
Why am I here? Simple. Ascension is about people caring for people. It's Barbara Shirk ensuring that she makes time to adorn the bathroom sinks for each occasion and season. It's George Russ never letting a Sunday go by without providing those awesome oatmeal and raisin cookies. It's the way so many people fill the freezer with frozen dinner trays for Aid For Friends' shut-ins. It's the many volunteers who take on each and every task as if their careers depend upon it. When anyone in the congregation is in need, someone is there to cook a meal, stop by with flowers, make sure they are on the weekly Prayer List. And it's genuine. The people of Ascension really care; not just when a visitor walks through the door, but years later. They mourn the losses and celebrate the successes and milestones with their fellow congregants. I am grateful for ALC support when either one of my daughters has performed in a ballet, a school concert, or a play. Since elementary school and now into college, there are always members and friends of Ascension in the audience. Here in this place, it's about people affirming people.
And, the concern doesn't end with the little church on the hill. A call comes in from The Trenton Rescue Mission - there's a desperate need for clothing. No problem, let's help them. The Navajo Nation is in need of warm clothing and socks; Ascension will provide overflowing boxes and do all we can. It's Christmas and there are some truly down and out folks in Philly; Ascension will deliver! A member's daughter is the victim of a devastating fire; let's connect her to people who are willing and able to help. I could go on and on.
If the reason to come to church is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, then I'm blessed to find that here at Ascension each and every day and I am so grateful for the wonderful people who can be found in this special place. That's why I am here!
Why are you here? Please share your story in this column so others may know of God's love in your life and experience it in their own.
By the way, if you are on Facebook, we have both a group and a page. The group is for sharing among ourselves and the page is for sharing with the public. To find our page . . .
Ascension Lutheran Church
900 Washington Crossing Rd, Newtown, PA 18940
215-497-0447 215-497-0446 FAX
Pastor David O. Maddox, II
It is important to Pastor Dave to be accessible to the congregation.
The primary phone number for reaching him is the church office.
You are also welcome to call his home, (267-335-5514) or cell phone (248-915-9690)
in pastoral emergencies and times he is not likely to be at the church.
His e-mail address is pastormaddox@comcast.net.
Church Administrator Joy Carducci (M-T-Th-F)
Church Accountant Judy Ryzner (W)
Financial Secretary Beth Schultz (T)
Director of Music Peter de Mets
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