 | January 2013
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The 2013 Scholarship Benefit Dinner is set for Friday, April 19, with keynote speaker Green Bay Packers legend Bart Starr. Less than 30 tickets remaining! Dinner tickets and sponsorships are available now. Please complete the order form and mail in with payment to: UWRF Foundation, 410 S. Third St, 310 South Hall, River Falls, WI 54022 or call 715-425-3505 with credit card information.
Reserve your tickets now! 5 p.m. General Buffet Dinner 5:30 p.m. Private Sponsors' Dinner 7 p.m. Program with Keynote Address by Bart Starr 8:30 p.m. Exclusive Dessert Reception ________________________________ Fund for Excellence 
THANKS TO OUR ALUMNI the colleges received over $50,000 in private support last year! Student representatives will be contacting you soon seeking support for the Fund for Excellence. Private support is vital and enhances the learning opportunities of UWRF students. Your charitable contribution can help support: - Stipends for life-changing study abroad experiences.
- Financial support for students to attend and present undergraduate research, scholarly and creative activity at regional and national conferences in their area of study.
- College collaborations linking students, alumni and community.
When we call, answer your phone and make a pledge of support to your college and UW-River Falls students. Or to make things easier, follow this link...I want to support my college! and make your gift today. Designate your gift to your colleges' Fund for Excellence. |
Contact Us
UW-River Falls University Advancement 310 South Hall 410 South Third Street River Falls, WI 54022-5001 715-425-3505 |
1963 Golden Jubilee Reunion
May 17 and 18
The University of Wisconsin-River Falls invites all graduates of the class of 1963 to the Golden Jubilee Reunion. For further information, contact the Alumni Relations Office toll free at 1-877-258-6647 or e-mail alumni@uwrf.edu
For more information about any of these events, contact Dan McGinty in the Advancement Office toll free at 1-877-258-6647 or by email to daniel.e.mcginty@uwrf.edu.
Mesa, Arizona, Event
Saturday, Feb. 23
Arizona Golf Resort
425 S. Power Road
Mesa, AZ
UWRF alumni and friends in the Mesa, Ariz., area are invited to attend a reception with Provost Fernando Delgado on Feb. 23, in the Garden Pavilion Room at the Arizona Golf Resort. The event begins at 5 p.m.
The cost is $25 per person. Please register by Feb. 11 by clicking here. You will have the option of paying with a credit card or mailing in a check.
Questions can be emailed to alumni@uwrf.edu or Dan McGinty at 715-425-3505.
Young Alumni Broadway Pizza Event
Wednesday, March 27
The Original Broadway Pizza
2025 West River Road
Minneapolis, MN
UWRF alumni and friends are invited to join fellow alumni for conversation, campus updates and networking opportunities at The Original Broadway Pizza. The event is from 5-7 p.m.
The cost of the event is $10 per person and includes pizza buffet and refreshments. Cash bar. Please R.S.V.P. by March 15 by clicking here to register. You will have the option of paying with a credit card or mailing in a check. Questions can be emailed to alumni@uwrf.edu or Dan McGinty at 715-425-3505.
La Crosse Event Wednesday, April 10 The Freight House 107 Vine St La Crosse, WI
UW-River Falls alumni and friends in the La Crosse area invited to attend a reception with Chancellor Dean Van Galen at The Freight House. The event is from 5:30-7:30 p.m. with appetizers and refreshments in the upper "loft." The cost of the event is $10 per person. Cash bar. Please R.S.V.P. by April 1 by clicking the link below. You will have the option of paying with a credit card or mailing in a check. Questions can be emailed to alumni@uwrf.edu or Dan McGinty at 715-425-3505. Click here to register for the La Crosse event.
Bloomington, Minn., Networking Event
Tuesday, April 30
Poor Richard's Commonhouse
8301 Normandale Blvd.
Bloomington, Minn.
Bring your business cards and join with other Minneapolis area alumni from 5-6:30 p.m. developing networks. A staff member from UWRF Career Services will be on hand to answer career related questions. A database of those attending will be developed and shared after the event for future networking purposes. Cost is $10 per person and includes door prizes, appetizers and a drink ticket.
Click here to register online. You will be given the option of paying with a credit card or mailing in a check.
For alumni and friends of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls |
UWRF News |
First Online, Publicly Accessible Digital Collection of History of UWRF Available
The old Normal School before it burned to the ground in 1897.
The Chalmer Davee Library and the University Archives and Area Research Center at UWRF, in partnership with the University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center, have unveiled its first online, public accessible digital collection, "History of UW-River Falls."
The collection provides a glimpse into the people, events and organizations that make up UWRF's history. Through photographs, yearbooks and other historical documents, the rich history of UWRF comes to life. The first digital items in the collection consist of 150 photographs of people, buildings, athletics and events and can be found at http://uwdc.library.wisc.edu/collections/uw/uwriverfalls.
Work has already begun on a second digital project that consists of digital versions of all 58 volumes of the Meletean, UWRF's yearbook from 1912-1969. These items should be available by summer 2013. More photos will also be added to the existing collection.
To learn more about UWRF's history, contact the University Archives and Area Research Center at 715-425-3567 or email archives@uwrf.edu.
Success Story |
Alumna Named Chair of Nobel Prize Committee
Juleen Zierath, a 1984 graduate of UWRF, has been elected chair of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine. She is the first female chair of the committee.
Zierath is a Milwaukee native and holds both Swedish and American citizenship. She is a professor of Clinical Integrative Physiology at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. Her research is focused on metabolism and diabetes, and she works at the Departments of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, as well as Physiology and Pharmacology.
Zierath maintains close ties to UW-River Falls. She served as the UWRF commencement speaker in May 2011, when she was named the UW-River Falls Distinguished Alumnus and during the past two summers, student researchers from the UW-River Falls Tissue and Cellular Innovation Center traveled to work with Zierath at Karolinska Institutet.
Learn more.
Traditions |
Kao's Are Recipients of Outstanding Service Award
Anne and Charles Kao were recognized as the recipients of the Outstanding Service Award at fall commencement Dec. 15. Some 375 bachelor's and master's degree recipients participated in the ceremony.
The Outstanding Service Award is the highest honor given to an individual or organization outside of UWRF.
Charles Kao is the founder and chairman of the Commonwealth Publishing Company in Taipei, Taiwan. He taught in the Department of Economics at UWRF from 1964-98 and served as department chair from 1971-80. Kao was named the UWRF Distinguished Teacher in 1974.
In 2011, the Kaos established the Charles Kao Faculty Development Fund at UWRF. Through this fund, the College of Business and Economics will receive $25,000 per year from the Kaos to support faculty development. The Kao family also donated their River Falls home to UWRF in 2011. The home will be used as an international center and temporary residence for visiting scholars.
These gifts, combined with their past support of the university, make the Kaos the most generous living donors to the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.
Learn more about the Kao Family.
Need to Know |
Hudson Center: Record Enrollment, Expansion Underway
The Hudson Center, located just off I-94 in Hudson, is designed specifically for adults who live, or work in, the Hudson area.
The UW-River Falls Hudson Center opened in fall 2010 to meet the educational needs of the thousands of adults in the St. Croix Valley with some college credit, but no degree, by offering courses at times and in a location convenient for working adults. With fall 2012 enrollment at an all-time high of 414 students, the Hudson Center is expanding with an additional classroom and programs.
The largest program offered there is the master's in business administration (MBA). The MBA program has grown to 128 students and now offers an accelerated seven-week format. A Bachelor of Science adult degree completion program in business administration is also offered.
Additional offerings scheduled for the Hudson Center include new cohorts of the master's of science in education shared inquiry program, a non-credit entrepreneurial training program, and a newly approved Bachelor of Applied Science adult degree completion program.
Additional information on the UW-River Falls Hudson Center, including a full listing of programs offered is available at www.uwrf.edu/HudsonCenter.
Learn more.
In (and out of) the Classroom |
UWRF Signs Agreement with Virginia State University
VSU President Keith T. Miller and UWRF Chancellor Dean Van Galen sign the agreement.
In early December, a delegation from UWRF visited Virginia State University (VSU) to sign a collaborative agreement between the two universities. The agreement creates the opportunity for a broad range of collaborative efforts including faculty and staff exchange, study abroad programs, research, and experiential learning opportunities. "The relationship we are building between Virginia State University and UW-River Falls is unique within higher education," said UWRF Chancellor Dean Van Galen. "VSU President Keith Miller and I are committed to supporting a sustainable relationship that will provide meaningful learning opportunities for the students, faculty and staff of both institutions." VSU, a historically black, land-grant university located near Petersburg, Va., was founded in 1882 and currently enrolls 5,300 students. The agreement identifies several academic programs in which collaborations will occur: animal and dairy science; aquaculture; plant, soil and environmental sciences; agricultural business and economics; agricultural education; horticulture; health and human performance; and other academic programs as appropriate. In addition to academic programs, programming through Global Connections and the National Student Exchange will provide additional opportunities for enhancing student experiences on both campuses. Learn more. |