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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           CONTACT: Bridgitt Zielke

July 7, 2016                                                                                                  (920)526-3271 




     Greenbush - A historical adventure awaits children in one of Wade House's unique, hands-on Pioneer, Civil War or Slat Bonnet Needle Arts Day Camps. Fun and education meet this summer within the historic setting of the Wade House!
     A newer addition to Wade House's lineup of history day camps is Slat
A newer addition to Wade House's lineup of history days camps is Slat Bonnet Needle Arts Day Camp, which will be held July 19 - 20 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Bonnet Needle Arts Day Camp, which will be held July 19 - 20, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Slat bonnets were a popular style of sun bonnet worn throughout the 19th century and owning one was considered a necessity.   Following step-by-step directions, participants to this camp will measure, cut, fold and stitch soft fabric to create their very own slat bonnet. Slat Bonnet Needle Arts Day Camp is for ages 14 and up.  
     Wade House will also be hosting a Pioneer Day Camp, which introduces children firsthand to daily life in Wisconsin nearly 150 years ago. Pioneer Day Camp will be held from Tuesday, July 26 through Friday, July 29, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily. Participants will get an up-close look at blacksmithing, woodworking, candle making, sewing, hearth cooking and much more. The program culminates with a horse-drawn covered wagon or stagecoach journey to the Wade House as many Plank Road travelers took during the heyday of the Wade House Stagecoach Inn. Activities during Pioneer Day Camp will include baking cookies, making candles, working in the garden, and having a family picnic on the last day complete with homemade ice cream.
     "The Wade House Pioneer camp is always a highlight of our children's summer. We feel it is a premier camp that offers hands-on historical
Activities during Pioneer Day Camp will include baking cookies, making candles, working in the garden, and having a family picnic on the last day complete with homemade ice cream.
projects every day. Our children enjoyed making hand churned ice cream, forging S-hooks, hand sewn baseballs, and so much more! They have such a good time that by the end of the week, they never want it to end" said Jim and Chrissy Hoell, parents of Wade House Pioneer Day Camp participants.
    The fun will continue Tuesday, August 2 through Friday, August 5, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., when Wade House hosts Civil War Day Camp, an experience which provides campers with the opportunity to explore the world of Civil War soldiers. Participants will be issued equipment including a wooden musket and haversack and throughout the week will learn marching drills and maneuvers. Campers will sign enlistment papers and be given the name of an actual soldier from the area who fought in the Civil War. At the end of camp they will find out what happened to their namesake - including who did not make it home. New this year to Civil War Day Camp curriculum is the opportunity to learn the process of how to fire a cannon.
     Camp registration is $130 per child for Civil War and Pioneer Day Camps and $65 per person for Slat Bonnet Needle Arts Camp. Reservations are required. If you have any questions or would like to reserve a spot for your child, please call Kathy Dimig at 920-526-3271 or visit www.wadehouse.org.
     The Wade House historic site is one of 12 Wisconsin Historical Society historic sites and museums.
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New this year to Wade House's Civil War Day Camp curriculum is the opportunity to learn the process of how to fire a cannon.



Wisconsin Historical Society | 816 State Street | Madison | WI | 53706