2016 ACDA Eastern Division Elementary Honor Choir, Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, conductor
February 2016 ChoraLink
Thank you to each of you who joined us in Boston this past month. The conference was a wonderfully intense and rejuvenating few days of Boundary Pushing experiences, bringing over 850 attendees and over a thousand more participants together in the admittedly cold -- but thankfully snow-less -- Boston Back Bay!
I'm sure I speak for all of the conferees when I express my sincerest thanks to our Conference Committee. This group of selfless souls have collectively put in hundreds of hours of their personal, uncompensated time to make the conference not only possible, but the success it truly was. I also need to thank our wonderful Division R&S Chairs for making our Together We Sing Sessions such a success once again -- thank you each for your hours of service, collaborative spirit, and inspiring energy in the presentations. And behind each of the above named leaders are dozens of other members who have given their time and talents to execute the vision laid out in each area of the conference. I can't even possibly begin to try to list everyone -- but that fact does not lessen my deep gratitude for your time spent on our behalf. Bravi, tutti. 

We will be sending out a brief post-conference survey to all registrants within the next week. If you were able to join us in Boston, I hope you'll be able to find time to give us the valuable feedback we depend on to continue to improve our work on your behalf, and best meet the needs of all members.

As always, I'm listening, and I'm here to serve.
ACDA Eastern Division President
Winter Chor-Teach now online
The winter issue of ChorTeach is now online. Check out the following articles:

1. Adolescent Voice Change: Frustration or Celebration -- Sandra Stegman
and Tracey Nycz

2. Mission Impossible? or How Best to Recruit and Retain Junior High Male Chorus Members -- Suzanne Callahan

3. Creativity in Music and Worship Planning: Be Not Afraid -- James Seay

4. He's Not Finished with Me Yet: The Importance of Moving Forward as a Music Educator -- Peri Goodman

5. How to Handle Middle School Choir Students Who Talk Too Much -- Michael Murphy

Are Conferences Worth It? YES!
DE-ACDA President David Lockart joined us in Boston this past month, and decided to write down his thoughts and experiences. David is not only Delaware President, but also conference chair for the 2018 Pittsburgh Conference. Read why David thinks conferences are worth it

Robert Shaw Celebration at Yale: Saturday, April 9
2016 is the 100th anniversary year of Robert Shaw's birth. To help celebrate this towering figure's contributions to the world of choral music, the Yale Glee Club will present a performance Haydn Creation in the modern translation, prepared by Shaw and Alice Parker. The concert is on Saturday, Apr. 9, 7:30pm in Woolsey Hall in New Haven (at the corner of College and Grove Streets on Yale's campus).

There will also be an open workshop on April 9, 3:30pm in Battell Chapel featuri
ng Ann Howard Jones and the Yale Glee Club. The workshop will explore Shaw's goundbreaking and influential rehearsal techniques. In addition, a collection of memorabilia from Shaw's career will be on display during the month April at the Gilmore Music Library, which houses the Robert Shaw archive, a resource available to all choral conductors and researchers. 

If you're in the area, please stop by--All events are free and open to the public!

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ACDA Eastern Division | 101 Northumberland Gate | Lynbrook | NY | 11563