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In This Issue
Mark Your Calendars
Mike's Message
Prayer Ministry
Small Group Studies
Nursery & Children and Youth

Mark Your Calendars



Youth Takeover Service THIS Sunday! Parents, if your kids would like to volunteer, please contact Stefan. We are looking for volunteers for the greeting and worship team. They will need to arrive by 9am.


Men's Breakfast will be this coming Saturday May 30 at 8am. All men are invited for a hearty breakfast and fellowship. The men at Maranatha church will join us via Skype! Questions or if would like to receive a reminder call, contact Craig Torstenbo at (360)710-4233.


Developing a Servant's Heart  Seminar Please join Lay Pastor Kathy Smith on June 2nd from 6:30 - 8:30. Come and learn why we are called to serve and how we can develop a heart for serving others. A follow up seminar will be held on June 16th from 6:30 - 8:30 will look at understanding and looking at your spiritual gifts and how you can use them in ministry. Email Pastor Kathy to sign up. 


Women's Paint and Pastry will be held on Saturday June 6, 9:30am to 11:00am at Knowles Art Studio on Noll Road.  Leigh Metteer will again lead an art project and the suggested donation is $10.00. All women are invited to attend. Children ages 7 & up are welcome to attend this event, however, there will be no childcare. You can sign up for this event at the information table in the lobby or by contacting the church office at 

Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on June 7 immediately after service. All are encouraged to attend. 

Did you lose your keys? We have two keys held together w/ a binder ring, one key w/ a pink polka dot pattern on it waiting for you in the office! Let us know!


Like us on Facebook: North Point Church Facebook Page 



Darla's Message

I think as adults we like to over-complicate the Good News.  I'm always amazed and encouraged at how easily kids 'get' the simple message of salvation.  According to one survey done by the International Bible Society, 83% of all Christians make their commitment to Jesus between the ages of 4 and 14.  Kids don't bother to analyze the gift of salvation-they just accept it! 


The teachers of our Sunday school work hard each Sunday presenting God's Truth and the Good News to our kids.  Our kids have been learning that the evidence of their commitment to Jesus is service, and it is a privilege to serve Him when we serve others. The kids have responded! They've had a BUSY year with reaching out to others in a variety of ways--Crisis Kits for Fishline, Valentine's for Martha & Mary, and presently a Garden for Fishline.  


This next month will see some other exciting events:


Splash-We will have a membership class for all students aged 13 and older who are interested in become a member of North Point.  Interested parents and students can talk to me or Lay Pastor Kathy Smith.

RipTide-Baptism/Communion class.  They are asking great questions and showing a lot of interest, so on June 14th; Lay Pastor Kathy Smith will teach the Rip Tide class during the Sunday school hour, giving them an introduction to being a member of Christ's body.


Summer Sunday School-begins June 28.  This will be a fun time with lots of outdoor games and activities, fun skits, and Bible stories all relaying the life of the Apostle Paul.  We love to have friends and visitors, so please...spread the word.




Children's Ministry Director




For additional prayer time after service,
Prayer Partners 

will be available after service in the back right corner of the sanctuary to lift up those in need of prayer and encouragement.

In The Company of Friends 
offers prayer support through a weekly electronic newsletter 
sent to North Point prayer warriors.
To share prayers of concern or praise, please leave a message on the comment card in the bulletin, contact the North Point Church office or
 e-mail Lani Curran at
To receive  the weekly prayer e-mail, contact the office at  or indicate on the communication card in the Sunday bulletin.


Women's Ministry 


Tuesday afternoon Bible study in Poulsbo. Contact Sharon Gossman for information 360-779-9416.

All women are invited to attend a new study on Wednesdays, "Knowing God By Name." For more information call Patty Skellie at (360) 434-4047. To order book, please contact Teri Hamon at

Friday morning study at North Point 9:30-11. "A Woman After God's Own Heart" Child care available.  

Women's Paint and Pastry will be held on Saturday June 6, 9:30 to 11:00 at Knowles Art Studio on Noll Road.  Leigh Metteer will again lead an art project and the suggested donation is $10.00. All women are invited to attend. Children ages 7 & up are welcome to attend this event, however, there will be no childcare. 
You can sign up for this event at the information table in the lobby or by contacting the church office at 

  • Men's Sunday Study: The Men's Sunday Lunch and Study group will be reading through
     C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity over the next few months. This was one of the most influential books of the last century and was based on the Lewis' popular BBC radio broadcasts explaining and defending the basics of Christianity to the citizens of England during World War II. We meet Sundays at 11:30 am at North Point Church. Contact Tom Curran at 360-779-8912 or at 
    for more information.
  • Book of Matthew:  Do you want to learn more about Jesus through his life and his words? Do you wish you had a friendly place to study the Bible with others? Come join us! We meet after church for one hour every Sunday to discuss what we're learning from the gospel of Matthew, and how Jesus's life and message impact our daily lives.  Whether you are brand new to Bible study or a seasoned veteran, you are welcome.  Questions? Contact Jeanine Lutzenhiser: 360-265-1303 or
  • The South Africa Sister Church Team meets the second Sunday of every month, right after church.  Everyone is welcome.  Come to listen, to learn, to be a part of planning how North Point can best serve our sister churches
  • Divorce Care Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30PM at North Point. Discovering hope and experiencing healing. Please contact Janet Simonson for further information.
  • "Gospel of John" study for the small group meeting Monday evenings at 6:30 in Poulsbo alternating between the Torstenbo's and Chaffee's home. Contact Craig Torstenbo for more information.
  • Alpha Course: Tuesday evenings. For anyone who wants to investigate the Christian life. For information contact Jim or Sharla Peterson by email or 360-286-1970
  • "Isaiah" study authored by NT Wright Thursdays at North Point. Join us for pot luck and fellowship at 6PM with study starting at 6:30. Contact Steve Gossman for further information at 360-779--9416
  • Men's Breakfast: The last Saturday of the month men gather at North Point at 8am for a hearty breakfast and fellowship. All men are invited. Questions or would like to receive a reminder call, contact Craig Torstenbo 
  • Course on Apologetics: Pastor Mike is leading a course based on Tim Keller's book: "The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.  To sign up, email Pastor Mike (click link to email).  




(Birth-2 Years Old) 

Drop your little ones off at the Nursery knowing they'll be happy and well cared for while you are enjoying the service.
To help Caregivers provide a pleasant experience for your child, we would like for you to bring the following items if necessary:  2 disposable diapers; bottle with milk, juice or water and/or pacifier; a change of clothes; a favorite item, like a toy or blanket that gives them comfort.

Click the link below for the registration form needed when you drop off your child.

Nursery Registration Form

The Pond  

(Preschool 3-5 Year Old) 

Lydia Invite Paul
Into Her Home

Acts 16:11-15
  Discovery  Point



Paul is Shipwrecked
Acts 27   
Rip Tide
   (Grade 3-5)
Lydia and Her
Family are Baptized

Acts 16:11-15, 40

(6th - 8th grade)


Stefan will
give the message in
the service    
Sunday High School

 (9-12th grade)


HS group 'Sonrise" meets in the red house following worship songs in the sanctuary, 
6th-12th grades are invited (friends too) on Wednesday evenings 7-8:30pm in the red house for fellowship and faith. 
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North Point Church
1779 Hostmark St.
Poulsbo, WA 98370 
Alane Basco-Yu; Office Manager
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm