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In This Issue
Mark Your Calendars
Mike's Message
Fellowship Opportunities
Small Group Studies
Prayer Ministry
Nursery & Children and Youth
Help Needed:
The Friday morning Mom's and Friends Bible study is seeking to hire someone to help with child care for a few hours on Friday mornings from 9-11 from January 17-February 21. Please contact Valerie Endicott at 360-620-5005 if you are interested. Thanks!
Artwork by Leigh Metteer:
A photo poster of the beautiful painting "Glory to God" that hangs in the foyer is available for $20. Please contact the office to purchase yours. 
Tuesday Afternoon Women's Bible Study:
A study on the Holy Spirit begins at 1PM in Poulsbo. Contact Sharon Gossman for more information and locations. 779-9416 
Thursday Evening Bible study:
A study of John authored by NT Wright (book provided) will be the focus of this group which starts at 6 PM at North Point with a potluck. Study begins at 6:30. Contact Steve Gossman for more information 
Several new Bible studies starting this month. See Fellowship Opportunities for more information. 
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Happy New Year friends!


I hope you feel refreshed after the celebration of Jesus' birth and the beginning of 2014. Joy and I were able to connect with most of the kids and grandkids, enjoy some trips to Seattle and Portland, and catch a couple of movies-"Saving Mr. Banks" (great story, actors) and "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug" (long, mostly fighting, great imaginative scenes-eye candy for Hobbit fans but probably too much for others). 


And of course, there was that great Seahawk game on Sunday!


New Sermon Series:

Starting Sunday, we're going to spend some time in the Psalms. The series, "Life Lessons from the Psalms" was inspired by N.T. Wright's recent book, "The Case for the Psalms: Why they are Essential." It's a very personal book about the place of the Psalms in this great scholar's devotional life, and it is a plea for Christians to rediscover the Psalms for their personal and corporate worship.


We'll visit 6 Psalms from the first book of the Psalms to sample their spiritual, emotional, theological and imaginative power. If you are not familiar with the Psalms, I think you'll be surprised at how they connect with authentic human feelings-whether exuberant joy, utter despair, anger, confusion or clarity, but ultimately hope.


Youth Director:

Please pray for the Youth Ministry Task force as we post the Youth Director position and prepare for interviews and a recommendation to session. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let us know. The job is half-time and the salary is $18,000. A job description is available from the church office


Read Through the Bible:

Yesterday, I started the read through the Bible in a year program in the formatted "The Daily Walk Bible," New Living Translation. I encourage you to join those of us who have made reading the Bible in a year a discipline of faith. I will be posting some brief comments from the reading on our church Facebook page along the way. Check it out!




Fellowship Opportunities 


 Mens Breakfast        Women's Breakfast


Men's Breakfast: Last Saturday of the month. Come share a meal and catch up on the stories. Held at North Point, the bacon sizzles at 8:00. If you have questions or would like a reminder call contact Craig Torstenbo at 360.710.4233.

New Women's Wednesday evening Bible Study: All ladies are invited to this new study starting on January 8th at 7PM in the Discovery Point room. We will be studying Mark as we "Explore Christianity". One life. What's it all about? Sign up at the Information table to order a book or call Patty Skellie at 360-434-4047 if you have questions. 
Moms and Friends Bible Study:Beginning January 17th this 6 week study kicks off. "One Thousand Gifts: A dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are" by writer Ann Voskamp (check out her website- A Holy Experience - Ann Voskamp). Child care will be available and we ask that you RSVP so we have plenty of hands and study guides. Contact Heather Morrison at 360-626-1082 or Valerie at 360-620-5005.

Comfort Ministry: The first Thursday of the month from 6 - 8 pm in the Discovery Point Room (will not meet in January). Come quilt, tie blankets, or knit for those who need that extra touch of comfort in their lives while we fellowship. No previous experience necessary, only a caring heart. For further information contact Amy Constant 360.710.2427. 

Small Group Studies
  • Men's Study: "The Great Omission - Rediscovering Jesus' Essential Teachings on Discipleship" Sundays at 11:30 at the home of Tom Curran. Contact Tom at for further information.
  • Young Family Study: Dan and RandaLyn Novick offer a bi-weekly study from 4 to 7PM geared for families with young children as kids are welcome to the study. For further information contact Dan or RandaLyn at 779-9930 or email
  • A study of the Holy Spirit is held every Tuesday at 1PM in Poulsbo. All ladies are invited. For more information contact Sharon Gossman at 779-9416.
  • "John" study authored by NT Wright on Thursdays at North Point. Pot luck and fellowship start at 6PM with study starting at 6:30. Contact Steve Gossman for further information 360.779.9416 
  •  Women's Wednesday evening study: Mark "Explore Christianity"
     One Life..What's it all about.
    Wednesdays at 7PM at North Point.  Contact Patty Skellie at or 360-434-4047
  • Friday morning Young Mom's and Friends study"One Thousand Gifts: Dare to Live Fully Right Where you Are" by Ann Voskamp. This 6-week study starts January 17th and is from 9:30-11 at North Point. Childcare is provided. To sign-up or for further information contact Heather Morrison 360-626-1082 or Valerie Endicott 360-620-5005. Invite a friend!
  • "Church History in Plain Language"Pastor Mike leads this study every other Thursday at North Point from 6:30-8 starting September 26th. Contact the office to sign-up.
  • Sunday evenings at the Ratcliffe's. Taking summer break and will resume in October.
  •  "When I Don't Desire God: How to Fight for Joy" by John Piper. Led by Craig Torstenbo on Monday evenings at the home of Debbie Harrington. 


If you desire additional prayer time after service,
prayer partners are available near the front of the sanctuary
(area closest to the meadow) each week.
Prayer partners will be honored to lift up those in need of prayer and encouragement.
The North Point Prayer Ministry is a powerful ministry that offers support of prayer through a weekly electronic newsletter sent to North Point prayer warriors. If you would like us to  pray for you or for others, we invite you to share your request through the comment card in the bulletin or
 e-mail Lani Curran at
If you would like to receive the Prayer Ministry e-mail, please contact the office at  or indicate on the communication card in the Sunday bulletin.


(Birth-2 Years Old) 

Drop your little ones off at the Nursery knowing they'll be happy and well cared for while you are enjoying the service.
To help Caregivers provide a pleasant experience for your child, we would like for you to bring the following items if necessary:  2 disposable diapers; bottle with milk, juice or water and/or pacifier; a change of clothes; a favorite item, like a toy or blanket that gives them comfort.

Click the link below for the registration form needed when you drop off your child.

Nursery Registration Form


                         The Pond

            (Preschool 3-5 Year Old) 
 Jesus Calls 
His Disciples

       Mark 2:16-18; 2:13, 14
      Discovery Point

          (K-5th grade)    


Moses and the Israelites at Mt Sinai

Exodus 19-22

Memory Verse:  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."  This is the first and greatest commandment.
                                                        Matthew 22:37-38
(6th- 8th grade)

Memory Verse:  If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but do not have love I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.  And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.    1 Cor. 13

  PIER 419 

High School (9-12th grade)

Sunday we are meeting after service in the red house for lunch and study at 11:00. 
We begin our new study on building our lives on truths that last.
Dug down Deep
"Come follow me and I will make you fishermen of men"
                                          Matthew 4:19

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North Point Church
1779 Hostmark St.
Poulsbo, WA 98370 
Valerie Endicott; Office Manager
Office Hours: Monday 10-3, Tuesday 9-2, Wednesday 9-2, Thursday 9 - 2