Making the speaking business more client focused
The Results Are In!
Your Biggest Business Challenges for 2014

With an overwhelming response, we are pleased to bring you the results of our poll, What's Your Biggest Business Challenge in 2014?

Leadership and Innovation - two subjects we know very well at The Sweeney Agency - topped the list as your biggest business challenges. With all of the challenges below in mind, we promise to send you the best in speaker information addressing your needs in day-to-day business and life.
Thank you to everyone who participated. We value your continued business with The Sweeney Agency, and look forward to providing you with the best speakers and speaker information relevant to you for all of your upcoming events and business challenges in the year ahead.
 Didn't get a chance to respond, but would like to take place in the poll in order to receive tailored newsletters full of speaker information relevant to you? It's not too late! Please follow the link below and complete this 20 second poll.
Featured Speaker
Author on Innovation & Futurist
The Future of Enterprise Strategy: Why Organizations Who Master �ber-Connectivity Will Dominate the Markets
Historically, organizations have viewed engagement, insights, and connectivity as separate strategic initiatives. When new connection technologies began to emerge, they were viewed in a similar separated manner as nothing more than advertising and promotional tools, or new ways to reach new customers and markets. This was a restricted approach because its perspective was focused externally, absent of internal applications. Ultimately, this was an authoritarian philosophy and the principal enterprise defect of past organizations. This was Simplex Connectivity... (Continue to The Sweeney Agency Blog).
Blog | Your Source For Ideas & News

At The Sweeney Agency, we are taking on a new initiative to grow as your online resource for top speaker information. Every month we'll be reading, reviewing and sharing the highlights from The EconomistBloomberg Business WeekForbesFortuneInc., and Fast Company. For news and ideas on leadership, the economy, and innovation please visit The Sweeney Agency Blog or visit us on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn
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