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The Sweeney Agency Speaker News  

Mar 6, 2013

  Liz Wiseman 

Liz Wiseman

Bestselling Author and Speaker on Leadership


Author of the WSJ bestselling book Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, Liz Wiseman advises senior executives on leadership and business strategy. She has conducted significant research in the field of leadership and collective intelligence. She is also the President of The Wiseman Group, a leadership research and development firm headquartered in Silicon Valley. A former executive at Oracle Corporation, Liz worked in various executive roles in the Education and HR organizations during her 17 years there.She has led significant globalization initiatives and has worked and taught extensively internationally.
More about Liz Wiseman
Watch Liz in action here

  Dr. George Friedman 

Dr. George Friedman

Founder of Global Intelligence Company STRATFOR
Dr. George Friedman is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of STRATFOR. Since 1996 Dr. Friedman has driven the strategic vision guiding STRATFOR to global prominence in private geopolitical intelligence and forecasting. A very popular keynote speaker on the future of international politics and economics, Dr. Friedman is in high demand at numerous conferences and industry-specific events for major financial firms such as JP Morgan, Citibank, Ernst & Young and many Fortune 500 companies. He is the author of several bestselling books including the New York Times bestseller The Next Decade: Where We've Been...and Where We're Going.
Watch Dr. Friedman in action here


Mike Abrashoff

Mike Abrashoff

Former Commander, USS Benfold and Author of It's Your Ship


Mike Abrashoff's inspiring speeches challenge people to re-imagine their own leadership thinking and instill a renewed responsibility for results and success. At the age of 36, the Navy selected Abrashoff to become Commander of USS Benfold - at the time, the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific Fleet. The immediate challenges that faced him on this underperforming Naval war ship were staggering: exceptionally low morale, high turnover and unacceptably low performance evaluations. Few thought that this ship could improve. In many ways, the USS Benfold was actually an extreme example of the same problems facing many organizations today.


More about Mike Abrashoff
Watch Mike in action here
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