November 2015
Your Monthly News & Updates
soilSARE Maine Soil Health Workshop

Monday, December 7th,

Spectacular Event Center,
Bangor, Maine
Pre-registration is required.
Cost is $10 before December 1st; otherwise $15.
Includes morning snack.
Deadline to register isDecember 2nd.
Register Online  or, to register by phone and for registration questions, call Meghan Dill at 207-581-3878.
Topics and speakers: 
  • Building and Protecting Soil Health - Lessons from New Hampshire & Introducing NRCS's new Soil Health Division (Brandon Smith, NRCS Soil Health Division Northeast Region Team Leader)
  • NRCS Soil Health and Cover Cropping Programs in Maine (Tony Jenkins, Maine NRCS State Resource Conservationist)
  • Soil Health Indicators and Tests - What do they tell us and what to do about it (Dr. Will Brinton, Woods End Laboratories, Inc.)
  • Soil Health Strategies - Maine Examples (Rick Kersbergen, UMaine Extension, Sam Delano, McCains, and others)
  • Discussion: Soil Health Opportunities and Barriers
poultryNew USDA Poultry Processing Facility in Maine
A group of service providers and educators from throughout New England and New York toured Commonwealth Poultry Company in Gardener last month.
They are Maine's only USDA poultry slaughter facility. They also are unique in that they process poultry with an air chilling method instead of cooling in vats of ice water, so no added water, salt or other additives. This can provide a longer shelf life and undiminished delicate flavor. Your birds are vacuum packed.
They sell their own poultry or if you are raising poultry to sell either in Maine or out of state, this is the place to go. They will also do custom processing for poultry you do not plan to sell to others.
You must have an appointment when you drop them off in the morning then pick them up the same day between noon and 2 pm.
Currently they are doing chickens, turkeys and ducks.
                                                                         FMI call them at 582-4900.
potato2015 Potato Pest Management Conference
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center located on US Route #1 in Presque Isle.

The program will begin at 9:00AM, registration will begin at 8:30 AM.  Topics at this year's conference will include blackleg in potatoes, potato storage management, potato virus Y, aphids, an update from the Pesticides Control Board, as well as a research update from the University of Maine Agricultural Experiment Station and the ARS New England Soil and Water Lab.
Pesticide recertification credits and Certified Crop Advisor Credits will be available.
FMI contact Jim Dwyer, UMaine Extension Potato Specialist, 207-764-3361
vegconfNew England Vegetable & Fruit Conference

December 15 - 17, 2015
Radisson Hotel
Manchester, NH

The premier educational event for New England vegetable and fruit growers that includes over 30 educational sessions over three days as well as Farmer to Farmer meetings throughout the conference. There is an extensive Trade Show with over 100 exhibitors. It is a great time to meet with fellow growers, advisors, researchers and industry representatives. You will leave with new ideas and information that will have a positive impact on your farm.
For detailed information go to
4 deer
huntersMaine Hunters for the Hungry Program

The Maine Hunters for the Hungry Program was founded in 1996 and its impact has grown steadily ever since. Maine sportsmen and sportswomen can play a major role in game management while providing thousands of nutritious meals to hungry people across the state. The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry distribute the donations to food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters affiliated with The Emergency Food Assistance Program.
The Maine Hunters for the Hungry Program, a collaboration with Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, works with Maine Wardens, biologists, Marine Patrol Officers, Maine State Troopers and caring, generous hunters towards a common goal of helping Mainer's in need.
The program accepts bear, deer and moose donations. Road kill donations are also accepted, provided the meat is not damaged. Hunters do not pay for the processing of donated meat. Meat processing costs are paid for by the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry or the charity that receives the food. Hunters choosing to keep their game can still donate a few pounds to the program. Meat Processors that are interested in participating should call 207-287-7513.
The program has been successful annually by supplying lean, high protein meats to food pantries, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters throughout Maine.
Hunters for the Hungry offer a deep and sincere thank you to the hunters, corporations, and organizations for their past, present and continued support. For more information, to donate, or to get connected to a Hunters for the Hungry participating meat processor call toll free, 1-888-4DEERME (1-888-433-3763).
interestItems of Interest
  • FDA Collecting Comments on the Term "Natural" for Food Labeling Is it appropriate for them to define the term "natural"? If yes, how should it be defined and how should it be used on food labels. This is your chance to let the folks at FDA know what you think about the use of "natural" in labeling of human food products.You have until Feb. 10, 2016 to comment.
  • Shipping Christmas Wreaths and Trees - The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry reminds Maine residents and businesses that plan to send trees, wreaths or other decorative plant material around the country this holiday season to save money and lost products by noting plant health requirements enforced by other states.
  • New England Giftware and Specialty Food Show is looking for exhibitors for their March 19 - 21 Portland Maine Show. This is a juried show that presents the finest New England made giftware, specialty food and home furnishings for wholesale. Here are just a few of the hundreds of companies that attend NEM every year to buy NE made products:  LL Bean, Lands End, Hannaford Supermarkets, Whole Foods, Zebs General Store, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Orvis, Farnsworth Art Museum, Calef's Country Store, Cardullo's Gourmet Shoppe, The Events Network, Goods, Acadia Corporation, Goodwill Industries, Russell's Garden Center, The Grasshopper Shop, Home Goods, Archipelago and so many more!
  • Annie's is pleased to announce that they are again offering $150,000 in scholarship funds to students studying sustainable agriculture. Sustainable and organic agriculture is at the very root of everything they do. They believe healthy soils and healthy farms are the foundation for healthy foods, and we're proud to support the next generation of farmers. Undergraduate and graduate students studying at an accredited US college or university are eligible to apply. Please visit the webpage here to learn more and to download the application. The deadline to apply is January 5, 2016.
  • Farmer Veteran Coalition information
    • If you would like to become a member, its free, it just puts you on the email list to stay in tune with FVC happenings, and be on the Maine specific email list as well. 
    • If you are interested in joining the advisory council, or learning more about the Maine chapter, FVC-ME, contact Jerry Ireland;, or go to their Facebook Page 
  • Best Management Practices in Outdoor Hog Production Recognizing this market opportunity, a small but growing number of outdoor, small-scale and niche hog operations in California, NRCS, UC Cooperative Extension, NC State University and RCDs developed a set of resource best management practices (BMPs), to assist local, small scale and niche hog production within the region to minimize or leverage their animal's natural behaviors for the benefit of the land.
  • Despite Profit Potential, Organic Field Crop Acreage Remains Low - USDA ERS Report used actual farm data to estimate the difference in costs of production that can be attributed to producing certified organic crops and use these estimates to calculate the price premiums that make organic systems profitable when compared with conventional system. The yield, price, and cost differences were used to estimate the per acre returns to organic versus conventional production for each crop. Estimates of the average difference in net returns per acre for organic versus conventional production were positive and highest for corn ($51 to $66 per acre), followed by soybeans ($22 to $41 per acre), but negative for wheat (-$9 to -$2 per acre).
resourcesFeatured Resources

Amber Waves showcases USDA's Economic Research Service research and analysis on economic and policy issues related to agriculture, food, the environment and rural America. Published monthly and available on iTunes and Google Play. Free


Maine Balsam Fir Tips: A Sustainable Harvest University of Maine Cooperative Extension talks about how to properly identify and harvest Maine Balsam Fir tips.
How to Create a Farm Business Plan 
University of Maine Cooperative Extension provides information on why creating a farm business plan is so important and what marketing, operations, and finances mean to your plan.

Direct Marketing Specialty Food Products Online 
from University of Nebraska- Lincoln
  • Learn strategies to direct market food and sell online
  • Evaluate the role of technology in your business in regards to direct online marketing
  • Examine strategies necessary to deal with the technology and weigh some cost/benefit measures
  • Consider the evolution of information technology to meet changing business priorities and market demands
  • Understand how online marketing is part of an over-all business and marketing strategy
Visit the UMaine Extension Cooperative Extension online Publications Catalog for agriculture information, such as:
  • A Guide to Harvest and Storage of Tree Fruits in Maine #2032 Written for the commercial grower this guide provides information for harvest and storage of tree fruits that are produced in Maine. Prevention of fruit losses and maintaining optimum quality for customers depends largely on harvest timing and good storage conditions. 16 pages. � 2015 by University of Maine Cooperative Extension.  Download it for free or buy a color copy $2.50
  • Safe Home Cider Making #4191 Outbreaks of food-borne illness have been attributed to drinking contaminated cider. This fact sheet provides basic guidelines for safe home cider production. 2 pages. � 2008, 2011 by University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Download it for free or buy a color copy. $0.50
eventsUpcoming Events

  • November 21 - 22, 2015 Maine Farm, Fish, and Food Innovation Challenge Weekend, Bowdoin College, Visual Arts Center, Kresage Auditorium, Brunswick.
  • December 2, 2015 Maine Potato Pest Management Conference, Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center located on US Route #1 in Presque Isle. The program will begin at 9:00AM, registration will begin at 8:30 AM.  Topics at this year's conference will include blackleg in potatoes, potato storage management, potato virus Y, aphids, an update from the Pesticides Control Board, as well as a research update from the University of Maine Agricultural Experiment Station and the ARS New England Soil and Water Lab. Pesticide and CCA credits available. FMI contact Dr. Jim Dwyer at or 207.764.3361
  • December 7, 2015 Maine SARE Soil Health Workshop Monday, 8:45am-12:30pm Spectacular Event Center, Bangor, Maine. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $10 before December 1st; otherwise $15. Includes morning snack. Deadline to register is December 2nd. Register Online here  or, to register by phone and for registration questions, call Meghan Dill at 207-581-3878.
  • December 8, 2015 Transferring the Farm/Forest Product Business, Elks Lodge, Waterville. workshop to help families minimize business succession risk by addressing estate planning, business structures, and developing plans to move your farm to the next generation. $20 fee includes lunch.Registration required.
  • December 15 - 17, 2015  New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference, Manchester, NH. This is the premiere fruit and vegetable show for the northeastern part of the US. The educational program is very large and covers a great number of crops. 
  • December 15, 2015 DDATT Seed Savers Meeting, 6 pm Abbott Memorial Library, Dexter. FMI contact
  • January 12 - 14, 2016 Maine Agriculture Trades Show, Augusta
  • April 2, 2016 Livestock 101 at the University of Maine Witter Center, Orono.
  • May 20 - 22, 2016 Northeast Livestock Expo, Windsor
subscriptionNewsletter Subscription Information

The Piscataquis and Penobscot Counties Farming Newsletter (PPCFN), now received by over 620 readers, has been offered as an educational resource by University of Maine Cooperative Extension for over 10 years. As of January 1, 2015, the PPCFN will be transitioning to electronic-only delivery. There will still be 
three ways to receive the PPCFN from your local UMaine Extension:
1) Piscataquis & Penobscot Counties Farming Newsletter remains available online for free! You can sign up to receive the newsletter through your email or view the archived issues anytime at If you currently do not have an email, you can get one for free from several email hosts. If you do not have a computer, community libraries have computers for you to use to access information on the Internet and to view your email.
2) Those with no email can opt to pay an annual subscription to receive the newsletters monthly for $15/year. 
 3) A third option is to come into the Piscataquis or Penobscot County Extension Office and pick up a free printed copy of the newsletter.
       We appreciate our readers referring others to the newsletter, and sharing it with their family and friends.
    Thank you for your continued support of the PPCFN, providing valuable agricultural information from Extension for folks in the central Maine area since 2003.

University of Maine Cooperative Extension is the major educational outreach program of the University of Maine with offices statewide.  UMaine Extension provides Maine people with research-based educational programs to help them live fuller, more productive lives.
quickQuick Links
Mention or display of a trademark, proprietary product, or firm in text or figures does not constitute an endorsement and does not imply approval to the exclusion of other suitable products or firms.
weatherLocal Weather Anytime
Many farming activities are driven by the weather.  Our local National Weather Service in Caribou has meteorologists on staff 24 hours a day.  They are willing to talk with you about rain predictions for your town.  Give them a call at 492-0180.  Or check out their online detailed maps at

Need Pesticide credits?  Check out the  Maine Board of Pesticide credit calendar.  Many approved pesticide applicator re-certification programs are listed.

Donna Coffin, Extension Educator
Rick Kersbergen, Extension Educator


The goal of the Central Maine Farming Newsletter is to provide timely information on the production and marketing of crops and livestock grown in central Maine.

The University of Maine does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, including transgender status and gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, 101 North Stevens Hall, 207.581.1226.

Photos Edwin Remsberg & Donna Coffin   

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Penobscot Office - website 
Open Monday - Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm
307 Maine Ave. Bangor, ME  04401  207-942-7396 or 800-287-1485

Piscataquis Office  - website 
Open Monday, Thursday, Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm,
Open By-chance on Wednesday, Closed Tuesday 
165 East Main St. Dover-Foxcroft, ME  04426  207-564-3301 or 800-287-1491 
Waldo Office  - website 
Open Monday - Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm
992 Waterville Road, Waldo, ME 04915-3117 Phone: 207.342.5971 or 800.287.1426 (in Maine)