News and events for Maine Beef Producers from University of Maine Cooperative Extension, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry, Maine Beef Producers Association and other agricultural organizations in Maine.
The pre-conditioned feeder calf auction went very well last month, bringing great prices for cow/calf producers. The weather was very dry last month and allowed a lot of field work, now the rain can't seem to stop. Upcoming pasture/forage on-farm workshops will help farmers learn more efficient and effective ways to manage their forage.
- Spring Preconditioned Feeder Calf Sale - The May sale averaged over $2.00 a pound for the 72 animals sold. Click here for more.
- Judy Powell Recognized for Many Years of Service to the Beef Industry Board. A hardy "thank you" and a heart felt "best wishes" to a woman who has assisted the beef industry for many years. Information on where to send your Beef Check Off funds. Click here for more.
- Join the Maine Beef Producers Association. The MBPA has sponsored a number of beef activities and events in Maine to help beef producers with marketing and care of their animals. Click here for more.
- Pasture and Forage Management Workshop in June. The 10th and 17th will offer on-farm tours will over grass-based management systems. Click here for more.
- Grass Finished Beef Production Survey from National Cattlemen's Beef Association. Calling all grass-finishing beef producers to give your input. Click here for more.
Items of Interest
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Spring Preconditioned Feeder Calf Sale Averaged Over $2.00 per pound!
Members of the Maine Beef Producers Association were very pleased with the recent feeder calf sale. Farmers brought in quality animals that were weaned, castrated if needed and vaccinated for calf hood diseases.
There were 20 buyers who purchased the 18 steers and 54 heifers (72 total animals) offered in the sale. There were 25 animals nearing 1,000# with some going back to the farm as replacement heifers.
Sale prices have been increasing in the past three years. Here is a chart showing the results of the past sales by weight class, sex and sale average.
Judy Powell Recognized for Many Years of Service to the Beef Industry
Ed Carter recognized the long career and great support the Maine Beef Producers have received from Judy Powell former Executive Director of the Maine Beef Industry Board at the recent Preconditioned Feeder Calf Sale. Judy retired at the end of 2014 after serving as Executive Director assisting Maine beef producers with Beef Check-Off program and promoting beef in the state of Maine. The Maine Beef Industry Board closed its doors, and future checkoff information and services will be provided directly by the Cattlemen's Beef Board (CBB), which administers the national Beef Checkoff Program. And while change can be difficult, this does not mean that the Beef Checkoff Program is going away. Moving forward, however, all beef and dairy cattle producers and collecting points or individuals in Maine must remit their $1-per-head beef checkoff assessments to the Cattlemen's Beef Board. Those checkoff dollars will go toward funding national checkoff programming in promotion, research, information and foreign marketing. Go to THIS LINK to get the remittance address for your dollar-per-head beef checkoff assessments in Maine, and please feel free to contact Chad Smith (csmith@beefboard.org or 303-867-6304) with ANY questions you have about this change or about your national Beef Checkoff Program. |
Join the Maine Beef Producers Association today, and become part of the primary community for beef in the state!
The MBPA sponsors many events and seminars across the state and throughout the year. We run feeder calf auctions in the spring and fall and the Main Beef Producers conference every December, co-sponsor the annual Grazing conference every March, and are the primary sponsor for the Beef Quality Assurance program. Besides the various seminars on raising and marketing beef they hold periodically through the year, we also sponsor classes at the Maine Agricultural Trade Show, which happens in conjunction with our annual meeting.
The MBPA's presence is not limited to seminars and sponsorships. We are also advocates for the beef industry in the next generation. We facilitate the Calves for Kids program, which provides young farmers with a registered heifer they can show and use to start their own herd as well as support from experienced beef herdsmen. Besides running this program, the MBPA also ensures that youth across the state have the opportunity to network with more experienced beef producers, welcome them at all seminars and classes, and give them many learning and volunteer opportunities.
As mentioned before, the MBPA is the primary community for beef in Maine. We represent and lobby on behalf of all beef producers in the state, regardless of size of operation, breed, location, organic or not, and any other diversity. We recognize outstanding contributors to the Maine beef industry, and we are a ready resource of information on the raising and marketing of beef. The MBPA gives beef producers everywhere many learning and volunteer opportunities. We also promote the humane and sustainable production of beef. You even have the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date on all our activities across the state!
If you are a beef producer, no matter if you are looking to purchase your first beef animal or are a fifth generation herdsman, there is a place for you in the MBPA.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Maine Beef Producers Association, there has never been a better time than now. If you purchase a membership of $35 between today and September 1st, it will last until December of 2016. You get over 6 months of membership FREE.
To join send your name, farm name, address, and email with a check for $35 to Maine Beef Producers Association and send c/o Sally Caverly, Treasurer, 1457 River Rd. Clinton, ME 04927. And to better serve you please include the number of head you sell annually, whether they are purebred or commercial. Also, do you want your farm name listing in the MBPA directory and website?
Thank you,
The Maine Beef Producers Association.
 Pasture and Forage Management Workshop in June
A two-session pasture and forage management workshop will be held June 10, at Kennebec Cheesery, 795 Pond Road, Sidney and June 17, at Oaklands Farm, 114 Oaklands Farm Road, Gardiner.
The workshop sessions will be held 6-7:30 p.m. and will cover grass-based management systems, both organic and conventional; livestock types; forage identification; grazing and harvesting techniques; and diverse tools available to farmers. Hosts will give farm tours.
Staff from University of Maine Cooperative Extension, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association will lead the workshop. Cost is $15; register by June 8 online extension.umaine.edu/register/product/pasture-forage-management. For more information or to request a disability accommodation, contact Diana Hartley 207-622-7546.
Grass Finished Beef Production Survey from National Cattlemen's Beef Association
Are you a grass-finished beef producer in the Northeast? We are seeking your input as we assess the sustainability of grass-finished beef production. This research is part of a beef industry sustainability assessment being conducted by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA), a contractor to the Beef Checkoff Program. The assessment is part of an ongoing effort to address concerns about environmental, social, and economic impacts of beef production. We have tried to keep this survey brief and easy to fill out; it should require less than 15 minutes of your time. If you come to a question whose answer you don't readily know, just give your best estimate. The information you provide is not traceable to your individual operation and all information we collect will be held confidential. Only overall summaries of the data will be reported. The survey can be accessed at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HBF7N9G This beef industry sustainability assessment is not an attempt to force a change in practices or advocate a one-size-fits-all approach to beef production. There are few things less sustainable than a one-size-fits-all approach. Rather, we are working to examine and showcase beef's improved sustainability over time. If you are interested in learning more about this Beef Checkoff Research Program please visit beefresearch.org. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Jasmine Dillon by email at jad520@psu.edu or by phone at 814-863-0883. Thank you for your help in this important project for the beef industry!
Jasmine Dillon, Graduate Research Assistant Department of Animal Science, Pennsylvania State University
- The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition has released an updated version of its Farmers' Guide to Value-Added Producer Grant Funding. The guide includes changes to the program from the 2014 Farm Bill. The guide also provides clear information on the program's application requirements, including a step-by-step description of the application and ranking processes.
- Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) USDA is making $30 million available through the Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) to farmers, and food entrepreneurs enter into value-added activities related to the processing and/or marketing of bio-based, value-added products. Generating new products, creating and expanding marketing opportunities, and increasing producer income are the goals of this program. Independent producers, agricultural producer groups, farmer or rancher cooperatives, and majority-controlled producer-based business ventures are eligible to apply for maximum of $250,000 with 50% match. Electronic applications are due July 2, 2015. Hard-copy applications are due July 7, 2015.
- University of Maine Analytical Lab and Soil Testing Service click here for website -They analyze soil, plant tissue, compost, manure, irrigation water, wood ash, fertilizers, organic residuals and other materials for nutrient content, organic matter, lead and other trace elements.
- Update Hay and Straw Directory If you have excess or are in the position to sell hay or straw, consider using the Maine Hay and Straw Directory. It is free to use. More information is available online, or call Cooperative Extension 1.800.287.1426.
Featured Resources
Beef Webinars & Videos - University of Nebraska - Lincoln UNL Beef team has archived their beef related webinars on one website. Some of the topics include: Fly control for pastured cattle, windrow grazing, genetic selection tools, using the breeding costs Cow-Q-Lator. Click here to view these free webinars.
Visit the UMaine Extension Cooperative Extension online Publications Catalog for beef information, such as:
Your Business Plan: A Fact Sheet for Small-Scale Business Owners #3005 A business plan is your most important tool if you're considering a business start-up or expansion. This bulletin outlines the key elements in developing a business plan. Includes sample balance sheet, cash flow, and income statement. 6 pages. � 1996, 2005 by University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Download it for free:
buy a color copy. $1.00
Forage Production for Pasture-Based Livestock Production #2205 Covers plant morphology (and effects on management), ecology of plant communities in forage-livestock systems; soil fertility and fertilizers; nutrient management; environmental impacts of grazing; pests, weeds, and diseases; and establishing forage stands. 141 pages., 2006. by NRAES $25.00
Newsletter Subscription Information
The Maine Beef Newsletter (MBN) is now received by over 600 readers, has been offered as an educational resource by University of Maine Cooperative Extension since 2011. As of January 1, 2015, the MBN will be transitioning to electronic-only delivery. There will still be three ways to receive the MBN from your local UMaine Extension:
1) Maine Beef Newsletter remains available online for free! You can sign up to receive the newsletter through your email or view the archived issues anytime at http://bit.ly/PPfarming If you currently do not have an email, you can get one for free from several email hosts. If you do not have a computer, community libraries have computers for you to use to access information on the Internet and to view your email.
2) Those with no email can opt to pay an annual subscription to receive the newsletters monthly for $15/year. More details on how to subscribe will be provided later this fall.
3) A third option is to come into the Piscataquis or Penobscot County Extension Office and pick up a free printed copy of the newsletter.
4) Maine Beef Producers Association members who do not have an email on file will receive a printed copy of the newsletter as a benefit of their membership.
We appreciate our readers referring others to the newsletter, and sharing it with your family and friends.
Thank you for your continued support of the MBN, providing valuable agricultural information from Extension for beef producers and those interested in the beef industry in Maine since 2011.
Maine Beef Producers Association
Join the Maine Beef Producers Association
The Maine Beef Producers Association is accepting dues for the 2015 year. Annual dues are $35. for an extra $25 you can get a year subscription to County Folks. For more information on this organization and for membership application go to http://bit.ly/19oljzu Special Offer!! Join now and your dues are paid until the end of 2016! You get an extra year!
Events & Announcements
- June 10 & 17, 2015 Pasture and Forage Management Workshop June 10th at Kennebec Cheesery, 795 Pond Road, Sidney, June 17th at Oaklands Farm, 114 Oaklands FArm Road, Gardiner. 6 pm to 7:30 pm Staff from UMaine Extension, NRCS and MOFGA will lead the workshop. Hosts will give farm tours. Cost is $15 register by June 8th. To register click here.
June 21, 2015 4H/Youth Beef Quality Assurance Training with Dr. Matt Rolleston, DVM, Cindy Kilgore, MDACF, and Donna Coffin, UMaine Extension at the Witter Farm, UMaine Orono. 9 am to 3 pm. Registration 8:30 am. Washable footwear is required; proper clothing strongly suggested; the afternoon session is outside in the barns. Farm tour available at 3 pm.
- July 25 & 26 - Beef Basics Weekend at Aldermere Farm. A two-day training workshop for farms that have beef cattle and/or individuals who are looking for information necessary for starting a beef cattle farm. Many guest speakers will share their knowledge and expertise related to beef cattle farming. Click here for more information.
- July 26, 2015 Maine Open Farm Day - through the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. Encouraging the general public to tour the farms that their food comes from.
- November 7th, Pre-conditioned Feeder Calf Sale 11 am, sponsored by the Maine Beef Producers Association, Richmond.
University of Maine Cooperative Extension is the major educational outreach program of the University of Maine with offices statewide. UMaine Extension provides Maine people with research-based educational programs to help them live fuller, more productive lives.
Quick Links
Local Weather Anytime
Many farming activities are driven by the weather. Our local National Weather Service in Caribou has meteorologists on staff 24 hours a day. They are willing to talk with you about rain predictions for your town. Give them a call at 492-0180. Or check out their online detailed maps at http://www.weather.gov/car/. |
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Donna Coffin, Extension Educator
The goal of the Piscataquis & Penobscot Farming Newsletter is to provide timely information on the production and marketing of crops and livestock grown in central Maine.
The University of Maine does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, including transgender status and gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, 101 North Stevens Hall, 207.581.1226.
Photos unless otherwise indicated by Donna Coffin.