Putting knowledge to work with the people of Maine
Volume 2 Number 7
| November 2012
News and events of interest to beef producers in Maine from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Maine, Department of Agriculture, Maine Beef Producers and other agriculture organizations in Maine. |
Free online sources of information: Maine Beef Production Information by UMaine Extension Beef Cattle Comments by Mike Baker, Cornell University Drovers - Cattle Network - America's Beef Business Source |
Fall Preconditioned Feeder Calf Sale
Sponsored by the Maine Beef Producers Association
Buyers had an opportunity to bid on 68 head of beef animals at the preconditioned feeder calf auction at Dick Brown's facility in Richmond. Average of $1.18 per pound with an average 606 pound body weight or $712 per head. The 40 steers averaged $1.23, 22 heifers averaged $1.16 and 27 grass fed certified averaged $1.14. Sale total was $47,983. All steers and heifers were certified natural. Most of the animals stayed in the state of Maine .
Weight Class |
| # head | 2 weight (200 to 299#) |
| 3 weight (300 to 399#) | $1.00 |
| 2 | 4 weight (400 to 499#) | $1.14 | $514 | 12 | 5 Weight (500 to 599#) | $1.18 | $648 | 22 | 6 Weight (600 to 699#) | $1.27 | $818 | 18 | 7 Weight (700 to 799#) | $1.24 | $898 | 7 | 8 Weight (800 to 899#) | $1.22 | $1,031 | 2 | 9 Weight (900 to 999#) | $0.95 | $937 |
| 10 Weight (1,000 to 1,099#) | $0.72 | $807 | 2 |
Maine Beef Producers Association Looking for New Members for the Board of Directors After many years of dedicated service to the Maine Beef Producers Association two board members are stepping down, Pete Dusoe and Tim Bartlett. A nominating committee is looking for two beef producers to fill these positions. When asked why he joined the board Pete said, "To help build and improve the beef industry in the state.' Tim says, 'It's a good chance to talk shop with other beef producers to learn how they manage and market their animals." Both Pete and Tim agree that a major role for the board is to develop the next generation of beef producers to provide high quality animals for the industry. It is an excellent opportunity to help expand & develop the beef industry in the state for all beef producers. If you are interested in serving on the Maine Beef Producers Board of Directors or know someone who would be an asset to the board contact one of the nominating committee members: Tim Bartlett at 207-926-3118 or tbartle1@maine.rr.com , Pete Dusoe 948-3233 or pbdusoe@uninets or Ed Carter at miniacres1@myfailpoint.net. |
Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) TrainingBeef Quality Assurance is a nationally coordinated, state implemented program that provides systematic information to U.S. beef producers and beef consumers of how common sense husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions. BQA guidelines are designed to make certain all beef consumers can take pride in what they purchase - and can trust and have confidence in the entire beef industry.
BQA programs have evolved to include best practices around good record keeping and protecting herd health, which can result in more profits for producers. When better quality cows leave the farm and reach the market place, the producer, packer, and consumer all benefit. When better quality beef reaches the supermarket, consumers are more confident in the beef they are buying, and this increases beef consumption. The efforts of BQA across the nation have been instrumental in recent successes that continue to re-build and sustain beef demand. Through BQA programs, producers recognize the economic value of committing to quality beef production at every level - not just at the feedlot or packing plant, but within every segment of the cattle industry. The guiding principles of BQA are based on these core beliefs:
WE BELIEVE production practices affect consumer acceptance of beef.
WE BELIEVE the BQA Program has and must continue to empower beef producers to improve the safety and wholesomeness of beef.
WE BELIEVE these fundamental principles are the fabric of the BQA Program.
Empowering people....because producers can make a difference.
Taking responsibility... because it's our job, not someone else's.
Working together... because product safety and wholesomeness is everyone's business.
The next BQA Training is Saturday, November 10th from 9 am to 3 pm at the Bartlett Farm, 107 Peacock Hill Rd., New Gloucester. Speakers include: Cindy Kilgore, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Dr. Michele Pfannenstiel and Dr. Meghan Flannigan. style="margin-left: 30px;"> Topics include: biosecurity, What is BQA and impact on carcass quality, E-coli and other diseaseas you can catch from your animals, overview of drug practices, facilities, flight zone, transportation, recordkeeping and hands-on cattle handline, current diseases and vaccinations. style="margin-left: 30px;"> Cost is $25 for adults and $10 for youth age 19 and under (includes lunch.) Bring warm clothes, wear boots that are washable. The afternoon session is outside and all footwear will need to be washed before approaching the barn area. If you plan to come please contact Cindy Kilgore at 215-4968 or cindy.kilgore@maine.gov |
Cull Cows
On average, how many cull cows (dairy or beef) do you send off your farm each month? Extension is looking into the possibility of helping dairy and beef producers get a better price for those cull cows in good condition by having the cows processed locally and sold as ground meat to institutions in Maine. If you are interested in possibly participating in this project or want to provide some input, please contact Extension Educator, Richard Brzozowski richard.brzozowski@maine.edu or 1-800-287-1471.
 23rd Maine Beef Conference
The Maine Beef Producers Association (MBPA) will hold its twenty-third Annual Beef Conference titled "Becoming a More Successful Marketer," Saturday, December 1st, 2012 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Bangor, ME with registration open at 8:00 am (rest of the agenda to be announced.)
This year, MBPA has joined forces with the Maine Grass Farmers Network (MGFN) to host the conference with sponsors University of Maine Cooperative Extension, and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.
Keynote speaker is Dr. Jim Ochterski, Cornell Extension marketing specialist. Other speakers include Henrettia Beaufait, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and Gabe Clark, beef producer.
Non-member registration, including lunch is $60 for the first person from the farm and $40 for all others from that farm. Discounts for MGFN and MBPA association members are available, as well as a student rate and early registration discount. For registration details, contact Melissa Libby at 1-800-287-7170 in Maine or 207-581-2788 outside of Maine. Registration details will be available on the UMaine Extension Beef website (http://extension.umaine.edu/livestock/beef/ ).
UMaine Extension programs are open and accessible to all in accordance with program goals. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for this program should contact Melissa Libby at 1-800-287-7170 to discuss their needs at least seven days in advance.
Value-Added Beef Webinar Series
Beef producers interested in marketing live animals for custom harvest or beef cuts directly to consumers face financial, marketing and legal challenges. The Tennessee Value-Added Beef Program has started a series of online seminars (webinars) designed to help producers understand the risks and gain information and skills to effectively manage these likely obstacles. Maine beef producers are invited to participate for free. Webinars will be held the second and forth Tuesday evenings of the month from October 2012 to March 2013 from 7:30 pm to 9 pm Eastern Time. Links to the archived sessions will be made available online at http://cpa.utk.edu To receive a link by email to join each webinar, send an email to cpa@utk.edu with the following information (name, county, state and email address.) Schedule of Webinars10/09/12 Begin with the end in mind: an introduction to the market, potential customers, opportunities and challenges of value-added beef 10/23/12 What you need to know to market live animals for custom harvest:navigating regulations and analyzing the potential profit 11/13/12 Basic regulations for marketing beef to consumers and wholesale (retail meat sales, permit, weights and measures, nutritional labeling wholesale registration) 11/27/12 Pencil out your potential and plan for success:conducting financial analysis and developing a business plan 12/11/12 Circling the wagons: managing the legal risk of direct marketing beef 12/25/12 No webinar scheduled 01/08/13 Marketing: It's not magic, it's mandatory 01/22/13 Making special claims about your beef on the label and off 02/12/13 What you should know about your product 02/26/13 What you should know about your product (continued) and become sales tax savvy 03/12/13 Developing effective marketing materials and tools 03/26/13 Resources Round-up: available resources for local beef marketers Questions? Contact Megan Bruch at mlbruch@utk.edu or (931) 486-2777.
What's New at the UMaine Soil Test Lab?
Soil Biology Test
is a non-chemical test measures the microbial biomass and the Biological Health of your soil. It is available for an extra $10 when you ask for Standard or Comprehensive Soil Test. Beneficial microbes thrive on yearly additions of high quality organic matter (compost, manures, cover crops). Recommendations on organic matter management are included.
They provide analytical services at reasonable prices to the public and to researchers. They analyze soil, plant tissue, compost, manure, irrigation water, wood ash, fertilizers, organic residuals and other materials for nutrient content, organic matter, lead and other trace elements. For more information and prices for the various tests go to the UMaine Analytical Laboratory and Soil Test Service or call (207) 581-3591.
To receive Maine Beef News: All Maine beef producers are welcome to subscribe to the Maine Beef News for free. To keep costs down we are asking folks to sign up for the electronic version at http://bit.ly/PPfarming If you prefer surface mailed Maine Beef News, please call Melissa Libby at (207)581-2788 or send your mailing information to UMaine Extension Livestock Office, 134 Hitchner Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04479-5735. Currently we are only able to offer free mailed copy for free to Maine residents. |
Featured UMaine Extension Publications / Store
The following agriculture related Extension publications are available or can be ordered at the Extension Office nearest you. You will notice that some publications are free and some have a cost recovery charge. Many other publications are available for free online or may be purchased at our secure publications web site .
- Barns and Manure Storage Safety, Maine Farm Safety Program/2365, Item #2304, Publisher: UMaine Extension, 4-page bulletin covers general barn housekeeping, hay storage, dusts, manure pits and lagoons. See item 2365 for the entire Maine Farm Safety Program. 2002. Download it for free or buy a printout. $0.75.
- Beef Housing and Equipment Handbook, Item #1001, Publisher: Midwest Plan Service, Information on cow-calf, cattle handling, and cattle feeding facilities; feed storage, processing and handling; water and waterers; manure management; farmstead planning, building construction, materials, ventilation and insulation; fences; gates and utilities. 133 pages with index, 1986. $15.00.
Calendar- Second & forth Tuesdays of the month Value-Added Beef Webinar Series, 7:30 pm to 9 pm Eastern. To receive link by email to join each webinar, send an email to cpa@utk.edu with your name, county, state and email. Links to archived session will be made available online at http://cpa.utk.edu
- November 10, 2012 Beef Quality Assurance Training, 9 am to 3 pm at the Bartlett Farm, 107 Peacock Hill Rd., New Gloucester. Cost $25 adult, $10 youth (age 19 years and under.) Contact Cindy Kilgore if you are planning to come at 215-4968 or cindy.kilgore@maine.gov
- December 1, 2012 Beef Conference at the Hilton Garden Inn in Bangor. Focus will be on marketing with Henrietta Beaufait, Maine Department of Agriculture, Jim Ochterski, Cornell University and Gabe Clark, Cold Spring Beef. For more information go to http://umaine.edu/livestock/beef/beef-conference/ or contact Melissa Libby at 581-2788 or in Maine 1-800-287-7170.
- January 8 to 10, 2013 Agriculture Trade Show - Maine Beef Producers Association plans to meet Wednesday afternoon at the trade show.
Contact Info Donna Coffin, Extension Educator
207-564-3301 or in Maine 1-800-287-1491
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