Sanrise Aqua Knight Nano LED
Reg $129.99, INTRO SALE $99.99 

Looking for a good quality LED for under 100 bucks? Meet the Aqua Knight. It's well made, uses Cree LED and has easy touch controls for color and intensity. You can either manually turn on/off each day or set the color and intensity you want and use your own timer or controller for on/off only. It's a perfect light for those of you that don't want to mess with programming your LED via computer or phone. We tested this on our 20g office tank and did really well with LPS and soft corals and a Rose Anemone.

Tropic Eden Refractometer
Reg 59.99, intro price $49.99 

Designed for Measuring Salinity and Specific Gravity of Natural and Artificial Seawater. Includes Automatic Temperature Compensation. Salinity range from 0-45ppt, S.G.: 1.000-1.035. 
Hydor ETH Inline Heaters
200watt & 300watt

Run in vertical position only. These make a great addition for canister filters or sumps tied into your return. First and unique external heater for aquariums with the exclusive PTC (Positive Thermal Coefficient) technology. The self-limiting PTC heating element guarantees maximum safety against any risk of overheating. The exclusive technology and the high quality of the components guarantee a long lasting product.
SENEYE Home Aquarium Monitor
Open Box Specials
Reg 139.99, Sale $89.99
Plus 3 pack of new slides, value 29.99 

All these units have been returned, some never even used, most tried and returned because they didn't get it setup due to technical issues on there network. So basically brand new units, plus you get 3 slides. 

We are always here to help, have questions or problems email us or call 317-895-9005. Thank you for being on the Premium Aquatics Newsletter.


Jason Frey, Premium Aquatics
Premium Aquatics, Inc

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