Here are a few specials we have going on. Please see below are check out our website.

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With the PAR Monitoring kit you can monitor and log your aquarium's light levels 24 hours a day! The perfect tool to fine tune your lighting on your tank. Now you now can adjust your lights with the confidence of knowing you will not be giving too much or too little light to your corals and plants. Preorder via email or call us 317-895-9005. These will be available thursday.

Click to view more info on PMK

Insane flow from a stealthy package The WAV moves water. Plain and simple. For its size and power consumption, it is in a class by itself in terms of the volume of water it moves. The WAV is much smaller than all other similar flow, in-tank powerheads. Surprisingly, it only a has slightly larger footprint than just the wet side portion of the most popular wavemaking pump on the market without having an obtrusive, noisy motor hanging on the outside of the glass. PREORDER AVAILABLE - extremely limited supply on first batch, no firm ETA yet.

Click Here For More info

15% OFF Cobalt Heaters, Cobalt Pumps,  Cobalt Dry Fish Foods

Featured Product
Trigger Systems ATO - 3 matching colors

Trigger Systems is proud to introduce matching Auto Top Off containers in 2 different size: 5 gallons and 10 gallons.

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We are always here to help, have questions or problems email us or call 317-895-9005. Thank you for being on the Premium Aquatics Newsletter.


Jason Frey, Premium Aquatics
Premium Aquatics, Inc

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