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Saving your place in quilt history!             eBurst/ March 6, 2016
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Founders &

Karey Bresenhan
Nancy O'Bryant Puentes
Eunice Ray
Shelly Zegart

Janneken Smucker, President
Mark Dunn, Vice-President
Michele Muska, Vice-President 
Jodie Davis, Secretary
Lisa Ellis, Treasurer

Nancy Bavor
Earamichia Brown
Brenda Groelz
Marin Hanson
Leslie Tucker Jenison
Pauline Macaulay
Steve Nabity
Dean Rehberger
Laurie Russman
Alex Veronelli
Victoria Findlay Wolfe
Mary Worrall

Amy Milne, executive director
Debby Josephs, office manager
Emma Parker, project manager  

Contact us!

Thank you to these members for joining or renewing their support recently. 

Cynthia Barcelles
Karen Baskett
Nancy Bavor
Darci Linkey Bodin
Suzanne Bruno
Suzanne Bryant 
Stephanie Cheng
Meg Cox
Karen Duling
Janet Harmon
Ann Baker Horsey
Elizabeth Johnson
Kelly Jurek
Deb Kleiner
Fran Kordek
Diana LaFaro
Bonnie MacGregor
Melissa Thompson Maher
Carol Mann
Christine Martinez
Florine Meredith
Debi Morrow
Julie Okwit
Wendy Richardson
Ellis Sasser
Janet Schoenfeld
Kay Schroeder
Garen Sherwood
Martha Sielman
Judith Snook
Elizabeth Sonnenfeld
Mary Evelynn Sorrell
Fran Stanley
Karol Strang
Joann Tarateta
Deborah Wheeler 
Ellen Yamaguchi

Guild Members

Jacksonville Modern Quilt Guild


UpcomingUpcoming Events & Opportunities  
March 19, 2016
Share your plans on FB!

Deadline is May 1, 2016
Our 10th annual contest!

QTM logo circle
September 23-25, 2016
Tickets on sale to members on March 7. Speakers announced soon!

Joyce2016 QTM speakers announced
Ticket sales open to members March 14 
The 6th annual Quilters Take Manhattan will take place September 23-25, 2016 and we are so pleased to announce our speakers:

Our QTM Add-On offerings on Friday and Sunday include more museum tours, fun garment district tours, and a scavenger hunt!! and more. To ensure that we have everything ready to go when we begin ticket sales, we are changing the launch date for Quilt Alliance members to Monday, March 14, and nonmember registration will start on Monday, March 21.

All members will receive an email on Monday, March 14 by 6pm EDT with a link to the QTM 2016 information and registration page. QA members not only get the chance to purchase their QTM tickets first, but also receive a significant discount!

Be sure your membership is up to date by emailing or calling Debby Josephs at [email protected] or 828-251-7073.

You can start or renew your membership online here:

Kaffe Fassett

Brandon Mably

Dr. Carolyn L. Mazloomi
Mark Lipinski

Marie Bostwick

What will you be doing on National Quilting Day?!
Celebrate the 25th Annual National Quilting Day with us on March 19, 2016.

National Quilting Day is just two weeks away (Saturday,  March 19), and the Quilt Alliance is the proud new coordinator of this special day. Visit the National Quilting Day page on our blog, the home base for this important day to honor and promote quilting, and download free quilt patterns (like the ones below), graphics and posters you can use to publicize your own NQD events and a 

Tell us what you have planned!

To share how you or your guild or group is planning to celebrate, post your plans on social media with the hashtag #nationalquiltingday

Visit the National Quilting Day Facebook page to stay up to date on what other quilters and organizations have planned.

Recent posts: 
The Arkansas Quilters Guild will be doing demonstrations at the Historic Arkansas Museum.

The International Quilt Study Center & Museum in Lincoln, NE will celebrate with FREE museum admission! 

RARE Science will host an in-person RARE Bear sew-in at the Spoonflower Greenhouse

South Florida Modern Quilt Guild will celebrate at their monthly meeting that day with cake and goodies after the meeting. 
Stitchers Etc. of Huntsville, Ala. will have a Stitch Day at the church where they meet. They will order lunch in and bring snacks to share. 

And at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park in Durham, North Carolina the Duke and UNC-Carolina baseball teams invite quilters to attend the game for free and try to break the Guinness World Record for "Most people simultaneously quilting in one location!" 
Y'all come!!