OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 10, Issue 6b
June 23, 2016
By Kris Parfitt
Tonia Farman's younger brother charged her with a promise before he died. Read how she honored his request and started Kiteboard for Cancer.
Athletes for Cancer
Athletes for Cancer was started by athletes who participate in different sports and wanted to help cancer survivors rebuild their lives.
On the Run: Base-Building Tips for Spring Training
By Yitka Winn
Many runners find it easy to get overzealous during spring training and wind up injured before racing season begins. Read these great tip on how to build a strong base for spring training.
Get Wet: Preparing for Open Water Swimming
By Guila Muir
Swimming outside in open water is the ultimate all-in-one fitness package. Follow these four easy tips to prepare you for open-water swimming this summer.
Winners of the #GOHIKEONW Photo Contest
Check out the two winners of the 2016 #GOHIKEONW photo contest. They each won an annual Washington State Discover Pass!
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