OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 10, Issue 5b
May 26, 2016
NW Trails: Hiking the Hoh River Trail
By Craig Romano
Only a fraction of the 250,000 annual visitors to Olympic National Park make the arduous journey to Glacier Meadows at the end of the Hoh River Trail. Will you?
Adventure Dog Photo Contest
We want photos of your Adventure Dog in action doing something cool and active in the outdoors! Winners will see their pooch in print in the 2016 Summer Edition and win prizes from RinseKit and Rad Dog pet products.
Win an annual Washington State Discover Pass!
Submit your photos from National Trails and Get Outside Days of you, your friends and family getting outdoors and on the trails between June 1 - June 12.
SeaWorld Announces "Game-changer" plans for Orcas
By Michael Kundu
Last March, SeaWorld announced an agreement with the U.S. Humane Society to end its captive orca whale breeding programs. Was this really a "game-changer" plan for orcas?
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