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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 10, Issue 3b
March 17, 2016

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Loose on the Palouse
Winding roads through wind-sculpted hills make for a myriad of connect-the-dot loops through eastern Washington's Palouse.
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Mountain Biking Wenatchee's Foothills
By Steve Maher
With 250 days of sunshine in Wenatchee, why not mountain bike one of America's mountain biking meccas?

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When in Idaho - Ride
Compiled by Kris Parfitt
From the rolling hills of the Palouse, the jagged peaks of the Sawtooths, and the basin and range region of southeastern Idaho, cyclists from all over the world come to ride this made-for-biking terrain.

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Warm Showers, Warm Heart
By Victoria Ortiz
Neil Branson's generosity is legendary among cyclists in the sleeply coastal town of Seaside, Oregon.

Olympic Peninsula Calls All Bicycle-Riding Explorers 
Adventurer Travelers, Families, Foodies and Romantics - make special memories on the Olympic Discovery Trail from Port Townsend to the Pacific Ocean! Check out the 130-mile Rails-to-Trails project, the many points of entrance and the scenic vistas along the way.

Celebrating Two NW Cycling Legends
Two cycling legends of the Northwest have passed away in the last year, Jerry Baker and Len Francies. Both men were extraordinary advocates for cycling - one for road and one for mountain biking.

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DIY Bike Service Stations
Now Greater Seattle cyclists have an even better reason to bike - and visit local libraries.

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Get Hoppy Outdoors Photo Contest
Send us your photos of responsibly drinking a tasty brew while on your favorite outdoor NW adventure!
You must be 21 years of age to participate in the contest.
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