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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 10, Issue 2a
February 4, 2016

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

OutdoorsNW January edition is full of inspiring places to go in 2016! Now on news stands and online!
Road Trippin' Photo Contest Winners Announced
See the top three road trip photos from the Road Trippin' photo contest.
By Cherie Thiessen
How these six Canadian hot springs can land you, voluntarily, in hot water.

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Grab the snowshoes and hike into the scenic terrain near Oakridge, Oregon. Find waterfalls recently frozen over, Willamette National Forest trees that are more than 100 years old and heaps of snowfall to explore. After the journey, cozy offerings in nearby towns like Oakridge and Westfir await. This excursion is ripe for discovery!

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Experience winter wonderland in Fernie, B.C., at these six unique places to stay for the night. A picture perfect Rocky Mountain town two hours north of Kalispell, Montana. Fernie is renowned for its winter fun with skiing at Fernie Alpine Resort, cat-skiing, cross-country skiing and dozens of scenic forest trails for snowshoeing, nature walks and fat biking!
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Fire-Ravaged Regions Rebound 
By Dutch Franz
The best way to support areas hit by wildfire is to visit! Check out these four reclamation destinations in the Northwest.

By Kris Parfitt
Editor's Choice: Bags, Straps and Shoes.

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