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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 12a
December 10, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Our Running Gear Reviews make Great Gift Guides!
Running Gear Guide
By Yitka Winn

Here's a primer on finding great trail running gifts for your favorite runner. The best part is that they won't break the bank.

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NW Kids: Running Gear for Teens and Tweens
By Amy Whitley

Here's what your kids will want for safe, fun trail running in the new year.

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Got Ice?
By Carolyn Price
These traction devices will keep you stable and upright throughout the winter season.


A vacation at Crystal Mountain is beyond easy. No plane tickets. No waiting at borders. Just 3,100 feet of vertical and 2,600 acres of awesome terrain. Add in Washington's first base-to-summit Mt. Rainier Gondola for skiers and non-skiers alike, mountain-top dining and ridiculously affordable rates and packages, and the hardest part may be deciding between a cozy hotel, charming suite or condo - or romantic cabin for 2.

Trail Running Book Reviews 
By Kris Parfitt
These books are perfect holiday gifts for your favorite trail runner.

Unique Places to Stay in the Rockies this Winter
Experience winter wonderland in Fernie, BC at these 6 unique places to stay for the night. A picture-perfect Rocky Mountain town 2 hours north of Kalispell, MT, Fernie is renowned for its winter fun with skiing at Fernie Alpine Resort, catskiing, cross-country skiing and dozens of scenic forest trails for snowshoeing, nature walks and fatbiking.

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ROAD TRIPPIN' Photo contest 
We want your best Road Trip photos in the pages of our Travel Edition this January!
Submit your photos by midnight Dec. 31, 2015.
Check out all the cool details here...

Wild Winter Festivals
Check out our guide to Northwest Winter Festivals.

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Upcoming Events
Nov. 27-Dec. 31: Seattle Center Winterfest, Seattle, WA

Dec. 12:
International Women's Ski Day, Worldwide

Dec. 12: Frozen Trail Runfest, Eugene, OR

Dec. 12: Santa Runs Tacoma, Tacoma, WA

Dec. 13: Jingle Bell Run and Walk, Seattle, WA

Dec. 16: Stoked Spoke! Seattle, WA

Dec. 20: 12K's of Christmas Holiday Run, Seattle, WA


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