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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 11b
November 24, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

The 2015 Running Edition is on stands and online!
Hit the Trail! Check out fantastic articles like our Bucket List of Where to Run, Dodging Rattlesnakes, Running Gear Guide, Becoming a Better Runner, Jaw-dropping Vistas of Mount Rainier, Traction Devices, Polar Bear Plunges, Dips and Dives, and more!

Hit the Trail: Our Bucket List of Where to Run 
We asked ultra-distance runner Yitka Winn to share her bucket list of favorite trails, races and activities around the Northwest. Seems many of these are OutdoorsNW staff favorites, too!  

Dodging Rattlesnakes: Running in Sage Country Heat
By Jameson Hawn
When coiled beneath a sagebrush, a snake can resemble a small cow patty on the trail. Learn how to dodge trail hazards in the heat of Sage Country.

 Click here
On the Run 
By Clint Cherepa 
Want to become a better runner? Click here and make strides towards tracking your progress.

ROAD TRIPPIN' Photo contest 
We want your best Road Trip photos in the pages of our Travel Edition this January!
Submit your photos by midnight Dec. 31, 2015.
Check out all the cool details here...

Ultra-woman Beth Brewster is at it again
One of five women on the planet to be invited to compete in the 2015 Ultraman World Championships.

 Read more  

International Women's Ski Day December 12
Drop everything and gather the girls to celebrate all things snow and downhill!

Read more

Pre's Trail in Eugene to see Olympic hopefuls in 2016
The legendary "Pre's Trail" will host part of the American 2016 Olympic Track Team Trials.

Upcoming Events
Nov. 25: Alpine Hut's Winter Party - Pray for Snow, Seattle, WA 
Nov. 24-28: Yellowstone Ski Festival, West Yellowstone, MT
Nov. 27-Dec. 31: Seattle Center Winterfest, Seattle, WA

Nov. 28: Thankful Ride to Share Favorite Things, Seattle WA
Dec. 3: SheJumps and K2 Winter Stoke Tune-Up party, Seattle, WA

Dec. 5:
Jingle Trail 5K Run Walk, Coupville, WA

Dec. 5: Momentum - XC Skiing for Beginners, Cabin Creek Sno-Park, WA

phone: (206) 418-0747
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