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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 11a
November 12, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

The 2015 SNOW Guide is on stands and online!
Our Staff's Favorite Winter Gear! NW Resort Report; Snowmaking at Mission Ridge; Nordic and Backcountry; Ski Boot Fitting Tips; and more!

Catch the final tour of Chasing Shadows in Washington state this month.

Heck! This weekend is also the last showing in Boise, Idaho!  

Staff Gear Picks
Here's a photo gallery of ONW Staff modeling their favorite winter gear
By OutdoorsNW Staff
Nothing says winter is coming like new cold-weather gear!

 Click here
Give Pain the Boot!
By Dutch Franz
Find out the secrets to great fitting and performing ski boots . . .


OutdoorsNW is Everywhere
Check out all the attendees at the Ski Dazzle show in Seattle who were on the cover of the SNOW Guide.

Upcoming Events

Nov: Warren Miller Film Dates

Nov. 13: Readings from Saul Weisberg's Headwaters: Poems and Field Notes, Sedro-Woolley, WA
Nov. 14: Columbia River Classic, Richland, WA
Nov. 14: Mustache Dache, Portland, OR
Nov. 14: Poultry Predictor 5K, Redmond, WA

Nov. 22: Hopelink Turkey Trot, Kirkland, WA
Nov. 22: Green Lake Gobble 5k & Mashed Potato Munch Off


phone: (206) 418-0747
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