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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 10c
October 30, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Party with a purpose at Seattle's Ski Dazzle
Celebrating its 46th annual show, the Seattle Ski & Snowboard Show™ returns Nov. 6-8, offering interactive fun for skiers and non-skiers . . .

Portland's Award winning event: The SkiFever and Snowboard Show 
Portland's award-winning Ski Fever and Snowboard Show is the largest multi-retailer snow show in the United States. This year's dates are Nov 6-8 at the Portland Expo Center . . .

Attending a Warren Miller film is a tradition that marks the start to the winter season!

The film, Chasing Shadows, has November showings in Washington and Idaho. Today is the last showing in Oregon!

See where the movie is playing near you . . .
 Click here
Washington State Ski and Snowboard Museum opens
Did you know that Washington State is home to 39 ski and snowboard Olympians and legends?

Upcoming Events

Oct. - Nov: Warren Miller Films, Various dates, WA, OR, ID

Nov. 5: Oregon Desert Trail Presentation, Portland, OR

Nov. 6-7: Newport's 30th Year Ski Swap

Nov. 6-8: Ski Dazzle: The Seattle Ski and Snowboard Show, Seattle, WA

Nov. 6-8: Portland's Ski Fever and Snowboard Show, Portland, OR

Nov. 7: Plant a Tree on Green Seattle Day

Nov. 11: FREE Admission to Veterans at NW Trek


phone: (206) 418-0747
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