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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 10b
October 15, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Interactive map shows where fall foliage is at its peak
When are the leaves at their peak? This well designed interactive map "leaves" us seeing colors . . .
A Celebration of Life for Jerry Baker, the legendary Godfather of bicycling in the Northwest, is scheduled for 1 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 17, Magnuson Park Hanger 30 . . .
Escapes: Woodinville Wines are Devine
By Robb Zerr
Fall is a great time to renew your love affair with Washington wines in Woodinville . . .   

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Extend Your Summer Fun  
Port Angeles loves the fall. The end of summer means long weekends making Port Angeles the perfect choice. Within a few hours visit the splendor of Hurricane Ridge, watch salmon make their return, experience massive waves on the coast, cycle the Olympic Discovery Trail, or enjoy a picturesque waterfall trail.
Port Angeles; Your Fall Getaway

Keeping a Keen Eye on the Birds of Prey on Lake Pend Oreille 
By Carolyn Price 
Where birds of prey soar over a lake so deep that two Space Needles could stand on top of each
other and only the 12th Man Flag on top would
be visible  . . .

On The Run: How to Prevent Running Injuries 
By Clint Cherepa
Staying injury-free should be on top of every runner's goal list . . .

Upcoming Events
Oct. 14: American Lung Association Climb for Clean Air Informational Meeting, Seattle, WA

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