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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 9b
September 17, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Bug bit and locked out . . .
By Tami Asars
Some days were great, other days I had my doubts about my choice of career . . .
By Amy Whitley
For the majority of us, camping and backpacking season may be behind us, but families can still enjoy a wide variety of day hikes after school is back in session.

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Escapes: Anacortes Redefined 
Fidalgo Island by Trail, Wheels or Water
Anacortes, about an hour and a half drive north of Seattle, offers plenty of bang for your buck . . .


Extend Your Summer Fun 
Port Angeles; Your Fall Getaway
Port Angeles loves the fall. The end of summer means long weekends making Port Angeles the perfect choice. Within a few hours visit the splendor of Hurricane Ridge, watch salmon make their return, experience massive waves on the coast, cycle the Olympic Discovery Trail, or enjoy a picturesque waterfall trail.

OutdoorsNW Publisher picks her favorite fall hiking gear 
It's fall and 'tis the season for some of the Northwest's best hiking, camping and backpacking weather. Here are some products we saw at the outdoor industry trade show, Outdoor Retailer, Aug. 5-7, and tested on Mount Rainier a week later.

Big Wins for Whales!

Navy agrees to create safe havens for marine wildlife
On Monday, Sept. 14, 2015, the Navy agreed to create safe havens to protect vital marine species such as whales, dolphins and other sonar-using mammals.

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New Orca Calf spotted!
There is a growing hope for the future of the Northwest's Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) population.

Upcoming Events

Event Calendar Listings . . .

Sept. 19:  
Tour de Whidbey, Greenbank, WA

Sept. 19:  
Cycle the Lakes, Cottage Grove, OR

Sept. 27:  
Bellingham Bay Marathon, Bellingham, WA

Oct. 3: Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day with Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance (FREE!); Duthie Hill Park, Issaquah, WA

Oct. 9-11: Port Angeles Dungeness Crab and Seafood Festival

Oct. 11:  
The Great Columbia Crossing, Astoria, OR

Oct. 11:
Snohomish River Run, Half marathon and 10K, Snohomish, WA


phone: (206) 418-0747
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