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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 9a
September 4, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Uncovering the Truth About Leaderhosen . . .
What are they? 
Who wears them and where were they worn? 
Answers to these questions and more when we uncover the truth about Lederhosen.
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Our 2015 OutdoorsNW Autumn Edition is now on news stands and online!
Oktoberfests! Our annual winter preview; Warren Miller, Snow Shows and Swaps; Anacortes, Woodinville Wines, Gear Reviews and more!

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If it's called Oktoberfest, why are so many 
of these festivals held in September? 

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Find Your NW Oktoberfest   
With over 20 great Oktoberfests in the Northwest, it will be easy to find a few that fit your kind of Oompa!

Support Firefighters and Residents Affected by Northwest Wildfires 
Compiled by OutdoorsNW Staff 
We invite our readers to help support the efforts of the fire personnel, regions and towns affected by the recent wildfires in the Northwest. We have provided a list of resources for you to utilize.

There is a unique event that happens twice a year in Monroe, and it doesn't have anything to do with racing cars or the Evergreen State Fair.

Upcoming Events

Event Calendar Listings . . .

Sept. 12:  
Lake Chelan Shore to Shore, Chelan, WA

Sept. 12:  
Warrior Dash, North Plains, OR

Sept. 19:  
Tour de Whidbey, Greenbank, WA

Sept. 19:  
Cycle the Lakes, Cottage Grove, OR

Sept. 27:  
Bellingham Bay Marathon, Bellingham, WA

Oct. 11:  
The Great Columbia Crossing, Astoria, OR

Oct. 11:
Snohomish River Run, Half marathon and 10K, Snohomish, WA


phone: (206) 418-0747
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