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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 8a
August 6, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Wonder Women of the Decades        

Inspiring Northwest Women Athletes
By Kris Parfitt
The Northwest is a hotspot for female athletes of all ages
and abilities . . .

On the Run: Benefits of Trail Running           

By Clint Cherepa
Trading the tarmac for the trail offers all the benefits of road running while providing a fresh outlook . . .

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Gear and Food for Outdoor Adventures            

Compiled by OutdoorsNW Staff
Gluten-free food for campers and gear that promises comfort, ease and quality . . .

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Jen's Recipies: Smoked Salmon Onion Tart   

Original recipe by Jennifer McLaughlin, the official OutdoorsNW foodie . . .

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Exceptional sports medicine tailored to you     

Turn an ankle climbing Big Si? Elbow on fire after a softball tourney?
At the UW Medicine Sports Medicine Center, we treat area professional and collegiate athletes. Weekend warriors can expect to receive the same exceptional care at any of our three locations. No matter what you like to do, our passion is to get you back to it.


Cycle Port Angeles: The Authentic Northwest      

Port Angeles has long been known as a recreation destination due to Olympic National Park. Now the Olympic Discovery Trail is attracting the destination biker with miles of paved non-highway cycling. Enjoy the beauty of The Olympic Peninsula from the cyclist POV and treat yourself to miles of smiles.



Washington Trails Association Annual Hike-a-Thon
Raise money with Craig Romano to protect trails for the next generation . . .

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Hikers' Shuttle Services
Northwest hikers will have an easier time accessing trailheads this summer, thanks to two new shuttle services . . .

Upcoming Events

Event Calendar Listings . . .

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