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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 7b
July 23, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Escapes: Steamboat Rock State Park       

Hiking and Kayaking a Geological Wonder!
By Rebecca Agiewich
There is much to love about this sprawling lakeside park . . .

Escapes: Exploring Oneonta Gorge         

A hidden slot canyon beckons hardy hikers
By Megan Hill
The Oneonta Gorge traces a narrow capillary, branching off from the main artery of the Columbia River . . .

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NW Kids: Family Hikes along the PCT           

Three family hikes along the Pacific Crest Trail
By Tami Asars
After Cheryl Strayed's book Wild in 2012 and subsequent movie last fall, it's only natural that many Northwest families will feel inspired . . .

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Ride the Hurricane, August 2  

Sunday August 2 will be the 6th year of this recreational cycling event featuring the famed Hurricane Ridge Road of Olympic National Park.  Three choices of distance are available and aid stations are provided every few miles, along with "I Made It To The Top" photos.

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Iron Girl Sprint Triathlon August 23!    

Volunteer Opportunities!
Iron Girl is in need of volunteers for our Iron Girl sprint triathlon weekend August 22 and 23. Individuals and groups are welcome!



Thank You for Voting Us The Best!
OutdoorsNW Magazine awarded KING5 Best Northwest Escapes' Best Local Travel Blog . . .

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Hikers' Shuttle Services
Northwest hikers will have an easier time accessing trailheads this summer, thanks to two new shuttle services . . .

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