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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 7a
July 9, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Oh My Dog!      

Our Summer Edition is now on news stands and online! . . .

2015 Dog Photo Contest Entries        

Our first annual Dogs In Action photo contest was a huge success! . . .

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Roaming with Rover: Happy Dog Hikes and Tips         

By Tami Asars
Having your dog accompany you to mountain vistas, scenic overlooks, along ocean beaches or through deep forests is one of the greatest joys of dog ownership . . .

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Ride the Hurricane, August 2  

Sunday August 2 will be the 6th year of this recreational cycling event featuring the famed Hurricane Ridge Road of Olympic National Park.  Three choices of distance are available and aid stations are provided every few miles, along with "I Made It To The Top" photos.

 Click to Register


Iron Girl Sprint Triathlon August 23!    

Let Everyone Know Your Name!
Mark Your Calendars and join us for the Iron Girl Seattle Women's Sprint Triathlon and 5K August 23. Embracing seasoned athletes and novices alike, we welcome you to register before prices increase as well as secure your personalized bib by July 19!



Pet First-Aid Kit      

The Fundamental 14 to Bring for Fido
By Larry Fosnick-Davis

A good first-aid kit is a crucial piece of equipment when out on the trail with your dog . . .

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The Best Gear and Food for Outdoor Doggies       

Doggie Gear and Food Reviews by OutdoorsNW Staff . . .

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Pet Friendly Resources
Researching what dog breed is best for your family, how to help your dog feel better, or where to travel with your dog? These websites will answer your questions and more!

Six Canine Trail Etiquette Tips
A hiking dog is a happy dog. Here are some etiquette tips to making sure everyone on the trail is happy with both you and your dog . . .

Upcoming Events

July 11: Tour des Chutes, Bend, OR
phone: (206) 418-0747
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