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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 6b
June 25, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Northwest Farmers Markets      

Here's our compilation of Northwest farmers markets . . .

National Water Trails Festival and Dedication Ceremony - June 27       

Designated as a National Water Trails System waterway in June 2014, the Kitsap Peninsula Water Trails will officially be inducted in a ceremony from 1-3 p.m., June 27 . . .

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Continental Divide Mountain Bike Route        

Nearly 3,000 miles of off-road
Helena and Butte, Montana offer stunning northern gateways to the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, a 2,768-mile off-road route that stretches from Banff, Alberta to Antelope, New Mexico . . .

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Ride the Hurricane, August 2  

Reaching an elevation of 5,250 feet, Ride the Hurricane ironically appeals to all levels of riders. Offering two starting locations and three loops of 24- 36- or 41-miles (at sea level), the ride in Olympic National Park, is open to the hardcore as well as the family experience. Rest stations with snacks and beverages; and an "I Made it to the Top" photos at the summit of Hurricane Ridge. The best part: the ride down!

 Click to Register


2nd Annual Get Outdoors Expo   

Olympia, WA - Saturday, June 27, 11am-3:30pm
Second Annual Event: Come on down to the "Get Outdoors - Adventure Awaits" Expo on the oval lawn in front of the Legislative building on the state capitol campus. Games, giveaways, outdoor gear demos, displays, mascots, live music, food and more. Fun, family-friendly and free!

 Click for details and a map


Open Water Safety Tips for Swimmers     

By Guila Muir
Although open-water swimming ranks as one of the most refreshing of sports, it is inherently dangerous . . .

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OutdoorsNW at the Bite of Bend
The OutdoorsNW managing editor, Kris Parfitt and the lead sales consultant, Jennifer McLaughlin, hosted a booth at the Bite of Bend on June 20-21, 2015.

Upcoming Events
June 26: Whiskey Dick 10K Run, Ellensburg, WA

June 27: Get Outdoors Adventure Awaits Expo -  Olympia, WA

July 11: Poochapalooza, Marysville, WA

July 11: Tour des Chutes, Bend, OR
phone: (206) 418-0747
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