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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 5b
May 28, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Experience Boatloads of Fun on Idaho Rivers!   

Does your idea of fun involve floating down a pristine river? Maybe "relaxation" to you means the adrenalin rush of a Class IV rapid, followed by the peaceful stillness of a sun-soaked pool? . . .

NW Kids: River rafting for Families on the Rogue River     

Guide to Rogue River Rafting and Floating
By Amy Whitley
For our Southern Oregonian kids, it's not officially summer until we've packed the car with inflatable kayaks, oars, and life jackets and headed out for a day on the Rogue River . . .

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Win a FREE Discover Pass!
Share pictures of where you hiked on June 6 for National Trails Day. Unable to hike on June 6? That's OK! Share a recent hiking adventure with us and you're still eligible to win! . . .

Beach Fishing: Fisheries off Washington's Shoreline   

A lot of us cannot look at a marine shoreline without wondering: What sort of fish might be cruising those shallows-and can I catch them? . . .

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SPOKES for FOLKS Walk/Run/Ride, Sat., May 30 

Bring your friends & family to SHAG Community Life Foundation's Annual Benefit Walk/Run/Bike Community Celebration. PICK YOUR DISTANCE: Fun Loop, 8 mile or 40 mile route. Live music, entertainment, lunch and more. A day of fun for all ages. Supporting seniors never gets old!

 Click to Register


Evergreen Mountain Bike Festival June 6             

If you ride a mountain bike-or have thought about riding one-the Evergreen Mountain Bike Festival at Duthie Hill Park in Issaquah, Washington is the place for you! . . .

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Upcoming Events
May 30: Jr Gap2Gap Relay, Yakima, WA

May 31: Adult Gap2Gap Relay, Yakima, WA

June 6: Bend Beer Chase, Bend, OR

June 7: North Olympic Discovery Marathon, Port Angeles, WA
June 13: Lake to Lake Bike Ride, Bellevue, WA

June 20: Beach to Chowder 5k, 10k, Long Beach, WA

June 20: Discovery Trail Half Marathon, Long Beach, WA

June 26: Whiskey Dick 10K Run, Ellensburg, WA


phone: (206) 418-0747
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