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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 5a
May 14, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

The Saga of the Northwest's Last Remaining Captive Orca  

Lolita's saga began almost 45 years ago. Yet even today, while her mother L-25 still swims free in waters including our local Salish Sea, the calls for Lolita's liberation grows continuingly louder here in the Northwest . . .

Breaking News!:
Organizations intend to sue Seaquarium under the Endangered Species Act . . .
Whale Museums and Resources
Where to learn more about orcas and other whales of the Northwest . . .

Be a Whale-Wise Kayaker
Watching whales from a kayak is one of the most enjoyable activities people can do . . .

The Spring edition of OutdoorsNW magazine here!   

The May/June edition of OutdoorsNW magazine is chock full of BEER, hiking Mount St. Helens, white water river rafting, beach fishing and much more.

 Click to see the Digital Edition

Elwha River Bridge is worth a visit  

The Olympic Discovery Trail is growing in popularity and a terrific destination, just a few miles west of Port Angeles, is the Elwha River Bridge. This bridge, which features a cyclist-friendly lower deck, offers wonderful views of the river and the Olympic Mountains to the south. Pick up a sandwich in Port Angeles and cycle to the river and relax.

 Click to visit


SPOKES for FOLKS Walk/Run/Ride, Sat., May 30 

Bring your friends & family to SHAG Community Life Foundation's Annual Benefit Walk/Run/Bike Community Celebration. PICK YOUR DISTANCE: Fun Loop, 8 mile or 40 mile route. Live music, entertainment, lunch and more. A day of fun for all ages. Supporting seniors never gets old!

 Click to Register


NW Trails: Mount St. Helens           

Climbing America's Most Famous Volcano
By Craig Romano

Mount St. Helens is the state's most notorious mountain-and an American icon . . .

Read more

Mount St. Helens: The Eruption and Recovery of a Volcano
The 35th Anniversary edition of Mount St. Helens: The Eruption and Recovery of a Volcano traces both the catastrophic explosion and the regeneration of this Northwest natural wonder.

Help Beat Type 1 Diabetes with Nordstrom  

Join Nordstrom on May 17 for our annual fundraiser to benefit JDRF and their efforts to help cure, better treat and prevent type 1 diabetes. Sign up for the 8K run or wheelchair race, a 4-mile walk, 1-mile fun run or the Diaper Derby for toddlers-there's a way for everyone to show their support!

 Learn more



Washington is No. 1 Bicycle Friendly State for Eighth Year Running
On the first day of National Bike To Work Week, May 11-15, the League of American Bicyclists has released its 2015 Bicycle Friendly State ranking. For the eighth year in a row, Washington continues to lead the nation! . . .

Upcoming Events

Event Calendar Listings . . .  






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