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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 4c
April 30, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

May is National Bike Month 

The Northwest is a thriving bicycling Mecca and there are many festivals and events in May that offer a fun way to celebrate riding a bike . . .

Will Run for Tacos and Margaritas - Get $5 off Fiesta 5k Ole!           

The Fiesta 5K Ole is back, Saturday, May 2 at Seattle's Volunteer Park - and is partnering with OutdoorsNW to offer readers $5 off the event registration price! Gather your friends for this fun-filled 5K ending with one of Seattle's largest outdoor beer & margarita gardens, live music from 107.7 The End and over 25 food trucks competing for Seattle's Top Taco! And don't forget, your first post-race beer is free with race entry! Use Promo Code: ONW5

 Click to Register


Adventure Tours for Seniors          

It's Within Your Reach
By John and Sally Macdonald

Remember our youth when we thought tours were for old folks? . . .

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Pickleball Not Just for Boomers           

By Carolyn Price
America's Baby Boomers are leading the charge for what appears to be the country's fastest growing sport . . .

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NW Trails: Victoria's Backyard Wilderness             

By Craig Romano
Surrounded by a stunning coastline, golden hillsides, emerald ridges and snow-capped mountains . . .

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Bicycling Sundays return in May
The Bicycle Sunday program in Seattle and Sunday Parkways in Portland are stellar ways for cyclists to enjoy weekend riding on roads closed to motorized traffic . . .

Hop for the Longest Hopscotch Game

It will take a simple hop, skip and a jump for Tacoma to set the Guinness World Record for the Longest Hopscotch Game on Sunday, May 3 at the University of Puget Sound . . . 

We want your dog photos in the pages of our 2015 July/August Hiking edition!
Submit your photos by midnight, June 1, 2015, of those awesome (and in focus!) shots of your pooch doing something cool outdoors!

Upcoming Events

Event Calendar Listings . . .





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