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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter |
Volume 9, Issue 4b
April 16, 2015
Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.
Our newest digital edition is now online!
We've listed over 1,000 races, festivals, tours & events in the 2015 Annual Event Guide! What will be your challenge or pleasure in 2015?
Help Beat Type 1 Diabetes with Nordstrom
BEAT THE BRIDGE TO BEAT DIABETESJoin Nordstrom on May 17 for our annual fundraiser to benefit JDRF and their efforts to help cure, better treat and prevent type 1 diabetes. Sign up for the 8K run or wheelchair race, a 4-mile walk, 1-mile fun run or the Diaper Derby for toddlers-there's a way for everyone to show their support!
It's a Piñata of Prizes - Win Free Registration or Get $5 off Fiesta 5K Ole
The Fiesta 5K Olé is back, Saturday, May 2 at Seattle's Volunteer Park - and is partnering with OutdoorsNW to offer readers the opportunity to win free registrations or get $5 off the event registration price! Gather your friends for this fun-filled 5K ending with one of Seattle's largest outdoor beer and margarita gardens, live music and over 25 food trucks competing for Seattle's Top Taco.
Your first post-race beer is free with race entry!
To enter the drawing for free registration, text your full name and the word Fiesta! to @OutdoorsNWmag before midnight April 21.
Two winners will be notified by Friday, April 24.
You can also save $5 off your registration! Use Promo Code: ONW5
On the Run: Top Benefits of Running Races
By Clint Cherepa
Whether you run one mile or 50, it is an exhilarating experience . . .
Healthy Living: Be a Best Race Jedi Master
By Kris Parfitt
Preparing for your best race can take hours of training, but keeping your mind focused during the race . . .
Five Training Principles
Believe in your plan - and stick to it! By Marsa Daniel, MD Endurance Coaching
Apply these five key training principles to keep you moving forward . . .
A Surge in Requests Halts Wonderland Trail Permits
A good problem to have for one of Washington state's most visited national parks . . .
 National Park Week April 18-26
The National Park Service invites you to celebrate by providing free entry to all April 18-19 . . .
We want your dog photos in the pages of our 2015 July/August Hiking edition!Submit your photos by midnight, June 1, 2015, of those awesome (and in focus!) shots of your pooch doing something cool outdoors!
email: editor@outdoorsnw.com phone: (206) 418-0747 web: www.OutdoorsNW.com
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