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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 9, Issue 4a
April 3, 2015

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Buying Your First Bike                    

Regardless of whether a first bike is gifted at a young age, acquired in the teen years, or purchased as an adult, when it comes to buying your first bike, the advice that local bike shop owners have might surprise you . . . 


Plan a spring getaway to Mt. Bachelor, Oregon, where kids ski free! Kids 12 and under ski free with the advance, online purchase of a three-or-more adult day lift ticket.  No holiday blackouts!  Save big while skiing/riding one of the deepest snowpacks in the Far West! . . .

Click for info


NW Kids: Choosing a Bike for a Child        

By Amy Whitley
Here's how to choose a bike for your child-before you're on the trail or road . . .

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Cycle Port Angeles: The Authentic Northwest         

Port Angeles has long been known as a recreation destination due to Olympic National Park. Now the Olympic Discovery Trail is attracting the destination biker with miles of paved non-highway cycling. Enjoy the beauty of The Olympic Peninsula from the cyclist POV and treat yourself to miles of smiles . . .

Click here


NW Cyclist Buzz         

Oregon's Green Pedal-Powered Tree Planting
Ever wonder why western Oregon has so many trees? Thank Friends of the Trees . . .

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NW Cyclist: Cyclist Resources by State
Compiled by NW Cyclist staff
A handy chart of contact info for cycling resources in Washington, Oregon and Idaho . . .


SR 20 North Cascades Highway reopens
After just three weeks, among the shortest reopening efforts in the North Cascades Highway's 42-year history . . .

Why Camp is Important for Kids

It is no secret that many children spend too much time in front of the computer or television . . . 

Spokane Bike Swap and Expo April 11-12
Fun and Exciting Events! Consignments! Donate a bike and get free admission! . . .

Upcoming Events

Event Calendar Listings:

April 11-12: Spokane Bike Swap and Expo, Spokane, WA





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