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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 11b
November 25, 2014

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on OutdoorsNW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Gear Review: Winter Cheer for Outdoor Gear!         

By Jennifer McLaughlin-Shavey and Diane Rudholm
Stay safe, warm and stylish this season with our staff's winter picks! . . .

Running Your First Ultra-Marathon       

On the Run
By Clint Cherepa
When a 5k sucks every last bit of juice out of you, how could you ever run a marathon, not to mention a 50k or 100k (or more) ultra-marathon?

Profile: Olympic Mogul Skier Patrick Deneen    

Part Cowboy, Part Stampede
By Diane Rudholm
Olympic mogul skier Patrick Deneen of Cle Elum, Washington, is one part cowboy and one part downhill stampede . . .
Winter Festivals    

Find your winter tribe and party with them!  

Compiled by Diane Rudholm  

Whether you're an alpine expert, a Nordic devotee, a backcountry guru, a snow-day kid or a kid at heart, there is a winter festival . . .    

Save With The Season's Best Deals
Hurry in to Toyota's Black Friday Sales Event and get $1,000 bonus cash, on top of existing offers on all 2014 and 2014.5 models. Plus, make no payment till next year on all new Toyota models.

These deals end December 1st, so visit your Toyota dealer today or learn more at

 2015 Rails-to-Trails Calendars Now Available!
Support rail trails like Washington's Snohomish Centennial Trail, Oregon's Springwater Corridor and dozens of other Northwest favorites with a $15 or greater donation . . .  


Bike Thefts Leave Bike Works More Secure   

Bike Works, a nonprofit in Columbia City whose mission is to build sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling, has been on the unfortunate receiving end of a series of bike thefts this past month . . .

You can transform the life of an individual with a disability this winter by helping him or her learn how to downhill or cross-country ski, snowboard or snowshoe! Volunteer with Outdoors for All . . .

Vibram Racks up 155,000 Lawsuit Claims
According to court documents reviewed by Runner's World Newswire, 154,927 claims were received in the class-action lawsuit against Vibram USA, representing 279,570 pairs of FiveFingers . . .

Upcoming Events

Dec. 6:
Redmond Reindeer Romp, Redmond, WA
Dec. 7: Chase the Grinch Outta Snohomish, Snohomish, WA

Dec. 13: Christmas Rush, Kent, WA

Jan. 1: Polar Bear Dip, Renton, WA

Jan. 1: Polar Bear Dip, Seattle, Matthews Beach, WA

Jan. 1: Polar Bear Plunge, Tacoma, WA

Jan. 1: Polar Bear Dip, Coeur d'Alene, ID

More Polar Swim Events at


phone: (206) 418-0747
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