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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 11a
November 13, 2014

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

Win Prizes from OutdoorsNW All Weekend!     

OutdoorsNW will be at the Ski Dazzle Ski & Snowboard Show, the Portland Ski Fever & Snowboard Show and the Bellevue showing of Warren Miller's No Turning Back this weekend, Nov. 14-16.

New Accessories for Runners   

By Jennifer McLaughlin-Shavey and Diane Rudholm
Whether you want to be more visible on your morning run or are looking for a little extra motivation to take your training to the next level, these accessories are sure to inspire you to get your legs moving and your heart pumping this winter.
Seattle's Blind Champion: Aaron Scheidies    

By Carolyn Price 

From following blobs to front of the pack, Aaron Scheidies realizes his 'normalcy' and becomes a World-Class Paratriathlete . . .    

Marathon Running Chart!    
Courtesy of
Pace yourself to better times! Download this expedient running chart to see what pace you need to keep to achieve your ideal finish time for your next 5k, 10k, half marathon or full marathon . . .

         Read more . . .
Hiking the Klickitat Trail near the Washington-Oregon border
By Craig Romano

NW Trails: Hike/bike this 31-mile trail amid spectacular river scenery . . . 


        Read more . . .
Celebrate the New Cascade Bicycling Center Nov. 15
Join Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, the Cascade Bicycle Club and the Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation from 10 a.m.-noon . . .  


evo's Portland Grand Opening Party Nov. 15  

The long awaited arrival of evo's Portland location is here . . .

A fast moving snowstorm dumped 11 inches on the upper mountain with 5 inches at the base at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort on Nov. 10 . . .

Upcoming Events
Now Selling: Warren Miller's No Turning Back, WA and OR

Nov. 14-16: Seattle Ski Dazzle, Century Link Field, Seattle, WA

Nov. 14-16: Portland Ski Fever and Snowboard Show, Portland Expo Center, Portland, OR

Nov. 16: Redmond Poultry Predictor, Redmond, WA

Nov. 22: Winterfest 2014, Port Angeles, WA
Dec. 7: Chase the Grinch Outta Snohomish, Snohomish, WA

Feb. 7, 2015: Tubbs Romp to Stomp Out Breast Cancer, Stevens Pass Nordic Center, WA


phone: (206) 418-0747
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