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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 9a
September 4, 2014

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

It's Oktoberfest Time! 

Bring on the lederhosen, dirndls, oom-pah music and beer! . . .   


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Fresh Hop Festivals    
By Kendall Jones  
The nation's entire annual hop crop comes from the Pacific Northwest. In particular, America's hops come from one of two places: the Yakima Valley in Washington or the Willamette Valley in Oregon. No wonder people around here harbor an uncommon penchant for hoppy beers . . .

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10 Best Oregon Craft Beers
Flavors from a beer mecca
Aubrey Laurence

Compiling a short list of the best beers from Oregon is a nearly impossible task. The Beaver State is a beer mecca and it is considered by many to be one of the top craft-beer states in the nation . . . 


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Top Oregon IPAs
By Aubrey Laurence
Oregon IPAs are as diverse as the brewers that make them, and it's no easy feat to pick just 10 to share with our readers . . .

Discovery Awaits on Washington's Long Beach Peninsula!

Water Music Festival Oct. 17 & 18


Discovery Trail 1/2 Marathon Sept. 13


Wild Mushroom Celebration  Oct. 1 - Nov. 15

Cranberrian Fair  Oct. 11 & 12


Boundary Bay Brewery and Bistro in Bellingham, Wash., has been named the 2014 Outstanding Philanthropic Small Business for Washington State . . .


Portland Parks Acquires 25-Acre Gateway Green Property 

An island of unused land at the confluence of two freeways takes another step toward becoming a new city park . . .

On Aug. 21, the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission announced the kick-off . . .

Upcoming Events
Sep. 10, 17: Wednesday Night Worlds Mountain Biking, SeaTac, WA

Sep. 13: The Slime Run, Seattle, WA

Sep. 20: Bellingham Traverse, Bellingham, WA

Sep. 30 - Oct. 1: Healthy Worksite Summit, Lynnwood, WA 

Oct. 12: Columbia Crossing 10K, Astoria, OR

Oct. 25: Edmonds Street Scramble, Edmonds, WA




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