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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 7b
July 24, 2014

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Get up and GO with SylvanSport
Green Commuting with a Toddler
Running with (through and over!) Obstacles
Folding Bikes for Commuters
Discount - Iron Girl Seattle Sprint Triathlon
Alaska Airlines North Bend Iron Horse Traverse
Buzz: Brooks Opens New Fremont HQ in August; Mountains to Sound Greenway Proposed as National Heritage Area; Nine-Month Closure at Gas Works Park
Upcoming Events
Get up and GO with SylvanSport 

The SylvanSport GO camping trailer might provide the most versatile and comfortable camping experience you've ever had . . .

Green Commuting with a Toddler   
By Diane Rudholm
There's a woman who lives near me who commutes with her bike via bus with a baby strapped to her chest and her four- or five-year-old son by her side. She tosses her bike on the rack at the front of the bus with ease. . . .


       Read more . . .
Running with (through and over!) Obstacles 
On the Run
By Clint Cherepa

Now is the time to jump into an obstacle event. You will be challenged mentally and physically while having the time of your life . . . 


Folding Bikes for Commuters
When space is a luxury
By Diane Rudholm
There's nothing like a bike to make your commute feel more like play. That is, until you can't . . .

Discount - Iron Girl Seattle Sprint Triathlon

Still need to register to the Iron Girl Seattle Sprint Triathlon? Don't worry, we have a $10 savings for you! Register between July 24-July 31 by entering code: NW2014.
To be fit, to be healthy and to celebrate the joy of living well - that is the Iron Girl lifestyle.

Alaska Airlines North Bend Iron Horse Traverse

The Alaska Airlines North Bend Iron Horse Traverse is the third stop within the Northwest Traverse Series. The race consists of four legs that include paddling, mountain/trail biking, road biking, and trail running and can be completed solo, tandem, or in a team. The event finishes at the Adventure Sports Festival in downtown North Bend. Surrounding the finish, enjoy a beer garden, zip line, climbing wall, kids zone, and exhibitors.

 Brooks Opens New Fremont HQ in August
Brooks Sports, Inc.-parent company to Brooks Shoes and Moving Comfort apparel-will relocate its global headquarters . . .

Mountains to Sound Greenway Proposed as National Heritage Area   
On July 16, U.S. Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray introduced Senate Bill 2602 . . .

       Read more . . .

On July 16, U.S. Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray introduced Senate Bill 2602 . . .

Upcoming Events

Jul. 24: BeWild, The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA

Jul. 27: SummeRun 5K Run and Walk, Seattle, WA

Aug. 2: NW Mountain Bike Series, Port Gamble, WA
Aug. 3: Ride the Hurricane, Port Angeles, WA
Aug. 9: Race the Reserve, Half Marathon, 10K, 5K, Coupeville, WA
Aug. 10: Lake Union 10K, Seattle, WA
Aug. 17: Iron Girl Sprint Triathlon, Seattle, WA
Aug. 30: Pocatello Marathon, Pocatello, ID
Sep. 6: Alaska Airlines North Bend Iron Horse Traverse, North Bend, WA

Sep. 13: PassPort2Pain, Vashon Island, WA
Sep. 13: The Slime Run, Seattle, WA

phone: (206) 418-0747
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