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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 7a
July 10, 2014

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Top 5 Lakes for Summer Magic
Brandon Nelson: World-Record Flat Water Kayaker
New-Wave Paddle Sport Reaches San Juan Island
San Francisco Marathon: Golden Gate Challenge IV
Toyota Camry: The Numbers Say It All
Buzz: Portland Tree Huggers Defend World Record July 12; Stellar Music Lineup for Obliteride Aug. 8-10; New River Cruise Blends Wine and History
Upcoming Events
Top 5 Lakes for Summer Magic 

Ah, the quintessential Northwest summer vacation: take the kids, pack the car, set up camp and just add water . . .

Brandon Nelson: World-Record Flat Water Kayaker  
Story by Kris Parfitt
Photos by Dougal Brownlie

After leaving high school, Nelson found his passion as a whitewater river guide and extreme river kayaker . . .


       Read more . . .
New-Wave Paddle Sport Reaches San Juan Island 
By J.K. Fox

Recent summers have seen a relentless rise in the popularity of the paddleboard on San Juan . . . 


San Francisco Marathon: Golden Gate Challenge IV
San Francisco or Bust!
By Diane Rudholm
The San Francisco Marathon is July 27 - that's less than three weeks away! This will be my husband's and my first full marathon, and it'll be the first . . .

Toyota Camry: The Numbers Say It All

There's plenty to be said about the 2014.5 Toyota Camry, but the numbers say it all. Visit
or your local Toyota dealer to learn more about the #1 Best-selling car in America for the last 12 years.1
1 Based on manufacturer estimates, CY 2002-2013 sales, includes Camry Solara.
 Portland Tree Huggers Defend World Record July 12
You are invited to help Oregon defend its Guinness World Record for the world's largest tree hug from 2-4 p.m. July 12 at Hoyt Arboretum in Portland, Ore. . . .

Stellar Music Lineup for Obliteride Aug. 8-10    
Obliteride participants can expect more than a bike ride for a great cause during the weekend of Aug. 8-10 . . .

       Read more . . .

Seattle-based Un-Cruise Adventures has announced that its 88-guest S.S. Legacy ship will sail a new wine-centric itinerary . . .

Upcoming Events
Jul. 13: NW Mountain Bike Series, Lake Padden, Bellingham, WA

Jul. 24: BeWild, The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA

Jul. 27: SummeRun 5K Run and Walk, Seattle, WA

Aug. 10: Lake Union 10K, Seattle, WA

Aug. 30: Pocatello Marathon, Pocatello, ID

Sep. 13: The Slime Run, Seattle, WA

Sep. 13: PassPort2Pain, Vashon Island, WA

Sep. 20: River Run Half-Marathon, 10K and 5K, Wenatchee, WA

phone: (206) 418-0747
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