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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 6a
June 12, 2014

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
4 Keys to Control Your Metabolism
Profile: Cheryl Marek and Estelle Gray's Record Breaking Ride
Trending: Women Fuel Outdoor Industry
Escapes: RV'ing in Alaska
BeWild Event: Tami Asars June 20; Bike Works Receives Mini-Grant for Education; Celebrate National Get Outdoors Day June 14
Upcoming Events
4 Keys to Control Your Metabolism 

People like to blame their metabolism for their weight, but guess what? That excuse doesn't fly . . .

Profile: Cheryl Marek and Estelle Gray's Record Breaking Ride  
Cycling the U.S. on a Bicycle Built for Two
3,000 miles, 30 years later
By Diane Rudholm
On June 21, 1984, Cheryl Marek and Estelle Gray stood on the Pier in Santa Monica, Calif., with their tandem bicycle at the ready . . .


      Read more . . .
Trending: Women Fuel Outdoor Industry 
By Taryn Kama

Women want different things than men do, especially when it comes to outdoor gear and travel . . . 


Escapes: RV'ing in Alaska
Story and Photos by Hilary Meyerson
Denali, Kenai and Homer - Oh My! Rolling through Alaska on a 31-foot land yacht . . .

The San Francisco Marathon:
Golden Gate Challenge III

Shift, improve and grow
By Diane Rudholm
As I'm writing this, there are seven weeks and four days until the San Francisco Marathon on July 27. Training for the race has given me plenty to think about and plenty to do . . .

BeWild Event: Tami Asars June 20
Northwest author Tami Asars invites you to be adventurous in your own back yard . . .

Bike Works Receives Mini-Grant for Education   
Seattle nonprofit Bike Works is one of four organizations in the U.S. to receive a 2014 League of American Bicyclists mini-grant . . .

       Read more . . .

Olympia, Wash.; Nationwide
The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and the Washington State Parks Foundation invite the public to celebrate National Get Outdoors Day with an outdoor expo June 14 . . .

Upcoming Events

Jun. 20: BeWild, The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA

Jun. 21: Bavarian Battle, Leavenworth, WA

Jul. 24:
BeWild, The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA

Jul. 26: Alpine Experience Olympia Traverse, Olympia, WA

Aug. 30: Pocatello Marathon, Pocatello, ID

Sep. 13: The Slime Run, Seattle, WA

phone: (206) 418-0747
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