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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 4b
April 17, 2014

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Donate to Red Cross for Oso Relief at GEAR Up Expo; BeWild Speaker and Film Series; Seattle Bike Expo Giveaway Winners Announced
GEAR Up for Adventure April 26-27; Welcome to GEAR Up!; GEAR Up Expo Exhibitors and Speakers
Toyota Prius Saves Money, Citizens from Supervillains
OutdoorsNW Interviews Obliteride at Seattle Bike Expo
World Explorer Helen Thayer
Upcoming Events
Donate to Red Cross for Oso Relief at GEAR Up Expo
The American Red Cross Snohomish County Chapter will be accepting donations to help with Oso landslide relief efforts at booths 114-115 . . .

BeWild Speaker and Film Series
You are invited to the 2014 BeWild Speaker and Film Series at the Mountaineers. Ben Stookesberry, Expedition Denali, Tami Asars and Crown of the Continent will present on themes of passion, inspiration, adventure and ambition . . .

      Read more . . .

Seattle Bike Expo Giveaway Winners Announced!
Thank you cycling enthusiasts who visited the OutdoorsNW booth and signed up to win prizes at the 2014 Seattle Bike Expo . . .

Read more . . .

GEAR Up Expo
GEAR Up for Adventure April 26-27
Everett, Wash.

The GEAR Up Expo is back for its second year to help you get the best experiences and outdoor gear this summer . . . 


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Welcome to GEAR Up!
We're excited to invite you to the second year of the GEAR Up Expo April 26-27 at the Comcast Arena in Everett! GEAR's inaugural event in June 2013 was an instant success and this year is shaping up to be bigger and better . . . 


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Click to see a list of exhibitors and schedule of speakers at GEAR Up Expo . . . 


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Toyota Prius Saves Money, Citizens from Supervillains 
Citizens had reason to rejoice as the Toyota Prius saved them from the sinister supervillains that have cost them time and money for far too long. At long last, the good people of this region need fear no longer for the welfare of their wallets.


OutdoorsNW Interviews Obliteride at Seattle Bike Expo
OutdoorsNW Managing Editor Diane Rudholm interviews Amy Lavin from Obliteride about what makes the event unique, how it benefits Fred Hutch and why the ride is important to the Seattle community in this video . . . 


World Explorer Helen Thayer
A world - and mind - without borders
By Carolyn Price

Helen Thayer summited her first peak when she was 9-years-old. And why wouldn't she? Her parents were accomplished mountaineers . . . 


Upcoming Events

May 10: Skagit Spring Classic, Burlington, WA

May 18: Snohomish Women's Run, Everett, WA

May 26: Spring Festival Triathlon/Duathlon, Moses Lake, WA

May 31: JrGap2Gap Relay, Yakima, WA

Jun 1: Gap2Gap Relay, Yakima, WA

Jun. 1: Sixth Annual Windermere Marathon and Half Marathon, Spokane, WA

Jun. 7: Apple Century Ride, Wenatchee, WA


Jun. 7: Evergreen Mountain Bike Festival, Issaquah, WA   

Jun. 7:
Survivor Mud Run 5K, Carnation, WA

Jun. 14: Winthrop Traverse, Winthrop, WA

Aug. 30: Pocatello Marathon, Pocatello, ID

phone: (206) 418-0747
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