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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 3a
March 6, 2014

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Gov. Inslee Creates Outdoor Task Force; Safety in Deep Snow; Win Prizes for Sidecountry Safety Videos
Health Nut: Prevent and Ease Sore Muscles
Mush! There's More Than Just Skiing at Big White
NWAC: Be Avalanche Savvy!
Tales from the Lift Line VII: Emergence
Upcoming Events
Gov. Inslee Creates Outdoor Task Force
Gov. Jay Inslee signed an executive order on Feb. 19 to create a blue ribbon task force to help solve some of the major challenges . . .

      Read more . . .

Safety in Deep Snow
It was a slow start to winter for many Washington snow resorts, but you would never know it if you've been up to play in the last week . . .

    Read more . . .

Win Prizes for Sidecountry Safety Videos
Avalanche safety organizations in the U.S. and Canadian have partnered to invite skiers and snowboarders to create a four-minute video. . . .

Health Nut: Prevent and Ease Sore Muscles
By Kelly Turner
Muscle soreness can vary in degree from a slight discomfort to an inability to move, but any way you slice it, it's not fun. . . . 


Escapes: Mush!
There's More Than Just Skiing at Big White
By Amy Whitley

The first thing I did after I arrived at Big White Dog Sled Tours in the heart of the Okanagan range above Kelowna, BC was greet 30 plus wagging, yelping, enthusiastic dogs . . . 


NWAC: Be Avalanche Savvy! 
Heading to the Mountains This Winter?
By Benj Wadsworth

Check out the Northwest Avalanche Center (NWAC) Web site for information on avalanche safety, including . . . 


Tales from the Lift Line VII: Emergence 
By Mary-Colleen Jenkins
Mt. Bachelor completely transformed itself in the space of a few hours. We had skied a mountain in disguise the day before - the mask was off and it was glorious . . . 


Upcoming Events
Apr. 5: The Slime Run 5K, Carnation, WA

Apr. 19: Earth Day Run at Magnuson Park, Seattle WA

May 10:
Horse Lake Half-Marathon & 5-Mile Trail Runs, Wenatchee, WA

May 10:
Skagit Spring Classic, Burlington, WA

May 18: Snohomish Women's Run, Everett, WA

Jun. 1: Sixth Annual Windermere Marathon and Half Marathon, Spokane, WA

Jun. 7: Survivor Mud Run 5K, Carnation, WA

Aug. 30: Pocatello Marathon, Pocatello, ID

phone: (206) 418-0747
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