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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 2b
February 20, 2014

Thank you for subscribing to OutdoorsNW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
30-Year Tandem Record Stands; Gorge Tour Lauded by National Geographic; Elite Seattle Climber Chad Kellogg Killed on Argentine Peak
Roaring Down Haleakala Volcano
Face to Face with Jaws
Weekender: North Cascades Institute
NW Trails: Corral Pass
Tales from the Lift Line VI: Olympians
Upcoming Events
30-Year Tandem Record Stands
On June 21, 1984, Cheryl Marek and Estelle Gray stood on the Pier in Santa Monica, Calif., with their tandem bicycle at the ready . . .

      Read more . . .

Gorge Hiking Tour Lauded by National Geographic
The Columbia River Gorge Hiking Tour, offered by Timberline Adventures, has been recognized by National Geographic Traveler magazine as one of the top 50  . . .

    Read more . . .

Elite Seattle Climber Chad Kellogg Killed on Argentine Peak
Revered climber and Outdoor Research athlete Chad Kellogg, 42, died on Friday, Feb. 14, in Patagonia, Argentina. . . .

Escapes: Roaring Down Haleakala Volcano
Experience the rush of letting go at 10,000 feet!
By Melissa Valenzuela

Most people can recall a moment on a trip or vacation when the experience was meant to be . . . 


Escapes: Face to Face with Jaws
More than epic surfing in Pe'ahi, Maui!
By Melissa Valenzuela

The great thing about being a runner is that I get to explore paths that are not part of my routine. At the same time, as a serious runner . . . 


Weekender: North Cascades Institute 
By Nancy Keaton
Tucked away in the North Cascades off Highway 20, you'll find the North Cascades Institute (NCI). About 70 miles north of Seattle, Wash., this internationally-known environmental education center . . . 


NW Trails: Corral Pass
Snowshoeing to the edge of Norse Peak Wilderness near Mount Rainier
By Craig Romano

If you're looking for a challenging valley-to-ridgeline snowshoeing adventure, and one that is easily accessible and safe from avalanche danger . . . 


Tales from the Lift Line VI: Olympians
By Mary-Colleen Jenkins
When we originally booked the trip to Whistler, B.C., it didn't even cross my mind that we'd be at the site of the 2010 Winter Olympics just a week before the 2014 Winter Games opened in Sochi . . . 


Upcoming Events
Mar. 1: March Forth Fun Run, Seattle, WA

Mar. 2: Hot Chocolate 15K, Seattle, WA

Mar. 1-2: Seattle Bike Expo, WA

Mar. 3: Lincoln City Half Marathon, Lincoln City, OR

Mar. 8: Lake Sammamish Half-Marathon, Redmond, WA

Apr. 5: Yakima River Canyon Marathon, Ellensburg, WA

Apr. 5: The Slime Run 5K, Carnation, WA

Apr. 19: Earth Day Run at Magnuson Park, Seattle WA

Apr. 19:
Wenatchee Marathon, Half-Marathon and 10K, Wenatchee, WA

Apr. 27: Heroes Half Marathon & 10K, Everett WA

May 3-4: Tour de Bloom Cycling Weekend, Wenatchee, WA

May 10: Skagit Spring Classic, Burlington, WA

Aug. 30: Pocatello Marathon, Pocatello, ID

phone: (206) 418-0747
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