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OutdoorsNW E-Newsletter
Volume 7, Issue 12a
December 5, 2013

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In This Issue
Stevens Pass Earns Top Environmental Rank; SAFE-AS Avalanche Workshops for Women; Presents Free Clinics
Health Nut: Heart Monitors
Necky Kayaks. A Passion to Paddle
NW Ski Areas: Washington, Oregon and Idaho
Whitefish: Glacier National Park/Izaak Walton Inn
Whitefish: A True Western Treasure
Whitefish Ski Resort: A Skier's Ski Mountain
Upcoming Events
Stevens Pass Earns Top Environmental Rank
Stevens Pass Mountain Resort earned the highest ranking in the U.S. from the Ski Area Citizen's Coalition (SACC) for its green initiatives . . .

SAFE-AS Avalanche Workshops for Women will hold a series of local avalanche safety workshops for women in December . . .

   Read more . . . Presents Free Clinics presents its third annual set of Get Going! workshops at REI locations around the country . . .

Health Nut: Heart Monitors
Follow Your Heart to Gauge Exercise Effectiveness
Kelly Turner 

The effectiveness of your workout can be determined by answering one simple question: how hard are you working? . . . 


Necky Kayaks. A Passion to Paddle.
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. What's the fun in that?
Savor the experience of getting there. Our paddlers are as distinct and different as our many kayaks. Both become one with a balance of agility, speed, balance and maneuverability. Find your perfect mate. Visit us on the world wide web, and discover a whole new world to explore. What are you waiting for!



NW Ski Areas: Washington, Oregon and Idaho  
Take a look at what's new at Washington state snow resorts, including 49 Degrees North, Crystal Mountain, Loup Loup Ski Bowl, Mission Ridge, Mt. Baker Ski Area, Mt. Spokane, Stevens Pass, Summit at Snoqualmie and White Pass . . .

 Read more . . .

Take a look at what's new at Oregon snow resorts, including Anthony Lakes, Hoodoo, Mt. Ashland, Mt. Bachelor, Mt. Hood Meadows, Mt. Hood Skibowl and Timberline . . .

Read more . . .

Take a look at what's new at Idaho snow resorts, including Brundage Mountain Resort, Lookout Pass Ski and Recreation Area, Lost Trail Powder Mountain, Schweitzer Mountain Resort, Silver Mountain Resort and Sun Valley Resort . . .

Read more . . .

Whitefish: Glacier National Park/Izaak Walton Inn 

By Hilary Meyerson

You can't visit Whitefish, Mont., without a trip into Glacier National Park. You simply can't. Most folks hit this epic national park in the summer, but the winter months . . .    


Whitefish: A True Western Treasure
By Hilary Meyerson
The words "best ski town" and "Whitefish" are often heard together. In fact, Whitefish Mountain Resort was named one of the best 25 . . . 


Whitefish Ski Resort  
Whitefish is a skier's ski mountain - and real skiers will know it!
By Hilary Meyerson
Travel to ski vacations is a little like a military operation, and can often be about as much fun. A Whitefish, Mont., ski getaway is different . . .


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phone: (206) 418-0747
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