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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter |
Volume 7, Issue 6b
June 20, 2013
Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.
Car-free Bicycle Sundays return
Cyclists in Seattle and Portland will once again enjoy car-free Sundays on popular boulevards this summer . . .
Read more . . . Snoqualmie Pass Tunnel Ride June 29Explore the two-mile tunnel underneath Snoqualmie Pass June 29, guided by the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust . . .
Don't pack away the boards or skis ... yetAlready miss the snow? Summer glacier skiing and riding is still open at Whistler/Blackcomb where the Horstman Glacier is open for summer skiing . . .
Summer on the slopesMany snow resorts will be reopen their doors for hiking and other summer activities soon. Summer operations begin with free lift rides . . .
Learn to shred with world champion Jill Kintner!
Stevens Pass Bike Park presents a new series of women's specific downhill mountain bike clinics. Spend an inclusive weekend shredding the bike park with expert coaching from Jill Kintner by day, and enjoying accommodations in beautiful Leavenworth by night! Clinic 1: June 28-30Clinic 2: September 27-29 Clinic 3: October 4-6
Anacortes Art Dash - Waterfront Run
The Anacortes Art Dash is a certified half marathon, 10k, and 5k run on Saturday July 27 starting at 9 a.m. It is a fast course along the beautiful Anacortes waterfront. Runners are well-supported and treated at the finish line to ethnic drumming and refreshments. Shirts for all participants; medals for half marathon and awards to top finishers. Register today! Day of race registration is also permitted.
Cops on Mountain Bikes Wins Best Cover!
Outdoors NW asked its readers to weigh in on the best cover of its last 25 years and the winner is ... 1988 old school Cops on Mountain Bikes, photographed by publisher Carolyn Price in the magazine's first year.
Upcoming Events
June 22: Beach to Chowder Run/Walk, Long Beach, WA
June 22: TriMonroe Triathlon, Lake Tye Park, Monroe, WAJune 22: Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and Half Marathon, Seattle, WA June 23: Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon, & 5k, Vancouver, BCJune 24: 24hr Mass Destruction, Port Gamble, WA June 29: Five Mile Lake Co-ed Sprint Triathlon, Federal Way, WAJune 29: Red-Bell 100, Seattle, WAJune 29: Noah's Quest, Sandy, ORJuly 7: Langley Half Marathon, Langley, WAJuly 20: Rose City Rivalry 5K Portland, ORJuly 28: Aptalis CF Cycle for Life, Woodinville, WA
email: editor@outdoorsnw.com phone: (206) 418-0747 web: http://www.OutdoorsNW.com