NW Beer Fests An Adventure Sport for Beer-Lovers By Kendall Jones Around here, we do not take our summers or our craft beers for granted; they are both precious commodities. When the days get long and we venture out of our caves, there is no shortage of beer festivals to keep us hydrated and entertained.
Participation mostly up but traditional disciplines may look different By Hilary Meyerson The first U.S. triathlon was held in San Diego in 1974, and the first Ironman race in Hawaii four years later. It's been a long road to the Northwest since then, but multi-sport events are now an established part of the landscape.
Gear Up Expo A new consumer trade show rolls into Everett on June 1-2. The show, called Gear Up! is focused on outdoor adventure equipment and unique destination travel. The keynote speaker will be Jim Whittaker. . .